i can hear the coffee pot brewing. the boys snore softly in their beds. sweet pea coos, content on the floor beside me. and life is good.
it’s going to be a late night, filled with things that didn’t win my attention earlier in the day. things that were trumped by the ‘more importants’ like park picnics, and building car-shops out of legos, and exercising… a mountain of laundry looms on my bed, waiting {as it has been all day} to be folded and packed into pint-sized luggage because tomorrow we are vegas bound baby! vegas bound for some much needed family time, and catching up, and celebrating a very important achievement in our family.
these are the times when i wish i was more organzied, a little less live-in-the-moment {but not really}, and a little more levelheaded pre-planned-ish because undoubtedly, you say, ‘roadtrip’ and i am laundering and packing and prepping until the wee hours of the morning. every. single. time. are you a betting person? you can TOTALLY bet on it. take it to the bank. run with it.
like i said, the coffee pot’s a brewin’, laundry and packing await, so tonight your daily dose is simple and sweet. my favorite image series of the week and perhaps the month, and maybe even the year!
…daily dose!
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you may notice a few of these images are not perfect, a few are blurry, and a few are off center, but i LOVE them. so. much. they are emotionally powerful and so right-there-where-i’m-supposed-to-be. i’m pointing this out because i want you to see, to know, that images don’t have to be perfect for you to love them, for them to mean something to you and for you to treasure them forever; i’m telling you this in the hopes to encourage you to always keep your camera at the ready, nearby, so it’s quick to grab for an impromptu photoshoot, or a snippet of your day that you’d like to remember. give it a special ‘spot’…the camera spot…so you always know right where it is when these moments present themselves. always be at the ready.




see what i mean? they say joy and love and smiley, drooly baby…even with blur they are precious, they are treasure, they are mine.
viva las vegas!
Your Mama - Whenever I look at any picture of Sweet Pea, I just get a BIG feel good feeling! Such a beautiful happy baby. Just like her mama always was as a baby herself.