daily dose * short and sweet

i’m going to make this short and sweet because if we’re all honest here, we’re all running around like chickens with our heads cut off, crazy-busy, sleep deprived and working like santa’s slave labor elves in preparation for Christmas day {3 days away my peeps…are you ready?!} i’m hangin’ in there. on top of Christmas craziness, i have pre-trip chaos {which i’m sure others who are traveling do as well} in order to avoid ruining Christmas day {we are traveling the day after} with laundry and packing and prepping the house etcetera, i have forced myself to be relatively organized this week…think chart of each day listing items that need to get accomplished…so far, i can safely say, i am behind fairly on track with said schedule. 🙂

and now {as scheduled} let’s hop…daily dose!

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we kicked off the week with adorable reindeer…

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and later, the boys caught a bad case of the climbers…have you heard of it? i heard it’s really contagious…

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i just love this picture…

she’s also rocking one of my newest addictions…baby leggings {that’s not a weird thing to be addicted to right? *nod head in agreement*} of course i mean for her, not me…although now that you mention it, maybe i could use them for arm warmers on chilly days, bahahahahaha! *entertains self* {seriously though, maybe.}

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caught me some brother love one morning this week. she’s one lucky little lady. her brothers continue to adore her.

{i couldn’t decide if i liked the color version or the black and white better…soooooo, you get both!}

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and because i can’t help myself, i’m going to shower you with images of sweet pea. her rolls and smile are too much!

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in case i don’t catch you on or before, i just want to take the time now to wish you all a very, very happy Christmas. celebrate with care, emphasize what truly matters, enjoy the spirit of Christmas, let it linger, cherish it, soak it all in. i know we will!


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