friday flashback

the other day the boys were rifling through one of my books when a pile of old pictures fell out. sunshine looked intently at each one and with each one asking, *and who’s this? and who’s this?* each time i answered, *tia {my snister} and mommy. that’s tia and mommy.* he was so curious. so confused…*tia a baby?…that tia?…that you mommy?*

it’s a hard concept to wrap their little minds around. their mommy being little like they are now. turbojet kept interjecting our conversation with, *and i’m behind there playing with cars* …no buddy. you’re not. you’re not even born yet. you’re not even a tiny thought in my mind. hard to grasp, but oh, so fun to discuss. to talk about. to watch the little gears inside their heads working overtime attempting to process it all.

looking at old pictures makes me happy. and aren’t they amazing? one glance at an old image can send you back to that time. that place. that feeling. what a gift pictures are. they embody us as we grow and a picture album is essentially *us* bottled up into one giant flip-book. a flip-book of our lives taking us through memories, watching ourselves grow, develop, make friends, move, laugh, cry, live.

ah, pictures, i love you. and in honor of this love of images, the conversation i had with my boys and just because sometimes it’s fun to look back…friday flashback, circa :

{don’t be jealous of my killer hairstyle}

cheers to friday!

patti - Such a cute picture!!!I love the hair!!

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