i should be sleeping.

true story. sleep has been elusive this week, a slippery seal of a thing blipping in and out of the waves with excitement. i’ve been working hard to get the template ready for a friday release {woot!}, and in a house with it’s very own 3-ring circus, working hard = working late.

i need sleep, but i also need a quick blog post fix before i scamper off to bed. i’ve been neglecting my daily doses the past couple of weeks, and while i’m not sure you’ve felt it, i know i sure have. there’s something soothing about sitting up late at night, listening to my fingers drum out the beat of the thoughts in my head sometimes giddy; sometimes brooding; other times dorky or overly sappy; but always soothing. calming. leveling. a place where my thoughts, however random and scatterbrained they may be, can rest.

*  *  *  *  *

i’m behind sharing by about 100+ images or so. images that included a visit from my handsome nephew,

turbojet’s first-ever-in-his-life teeball game,

how this guy’s about to turn 3 years old on Easter sunday,

or how much love there is between this brother and sister combo {i’m confident we’ll be playing the protective older brother card a LOT later on in her life, ha!}

or how, *we work out.* {wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. yeah. wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle. yeah.}

{normally, i don’t post images like this, but this one was TOO FUNNY not too! i was rolling when i saw that turbo had put in a workout video for them, and sunshine was adamant that he join IN his undies and WITHOUT my assistance putting them on the *right* way…}

*  *  *  *  *

and that’s it for tonight. think of it as touching base, with the hope of a longer stay in the very near future 🙂 nighty-night!

Kathy - Oh. My. That last one KILLS ME! I almost snorted coffee out my nose! Hilarious!!

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