
thank you for considering sponsoring my blog! i’m excited to help other small shops and blogs increase their business and/or followers!

sponsor ads will begin on the 1st of each month. sponsor giveaway days will run mid-month. please email me at : lifeasyouliveit@live{dot}com with SPONSOR as your subject line if you’re interested in growing your business or blog with me! if i think your product/blog fits my personality as well as that of my readers, then i would be more than happy to work with you to promote your shop/blog!

*  *  *  *  *

currently {november 2012} life as you blog it has :

  • over 5,500 page views per month
  • 1,330 followers via facebook, twitter, pinterest & instagram

*  *  *  *  * 

LARGE  *  $30/month

  • only 2 available
  • placed at the top of the sidebar
  • a feature post on the blog
  • option to participate on giveaway day

MEDIUM  *  $20/month

  • rotated with other medium ads
  • option to participate on giveaway day

SMALL  *  $10/month

  • rotated with other small ads
  • sidebar only

*  *  *  *  *

* the fine print *

 payment reserves your spot

rates are subject to change as readership grows

*  *  *  *  *


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