my life as i live it . a daily dose

we had a super hero in training at our house this week. he could not, for the life of him, figure out why launching himself from the living room chair paired with his super hero cape would not make him fly. “why am i not flying mama? why?” well, son…you know, gravity…and, um……um…just keep trying, you’ll get it  ;o)


i love these images of turbojet. they speak of childhood. of belief in the impossible. of hope. i soak up these moments when turbojet is engrossed in imaginative play because in reality they are few and far between.

turbojet has always been a very ‘real’ little boy. you might call him a realist of sorts and only recently has allowed himself the luxury of pretend play. when he was smaller i would attempt ‘creative’ play with him, “let’s pretend we’re puppies. what do you want your name to be? i’m going to be ferdinand.” his reply {in a slightly perturbed voice}, “i’m not a puppy. i’m turbojet.” and that was that. he was turbojet. not a puppy, and definitely not a puppy with a different name. all-righty then.

child portrait

{turbojet * outgoing, brave, independent, level-headed realist}

it’s interesting to watch the differences between the boys, not compare them, just watch them and see how they differ and be thankful for it. i can already tell that sunshine is going to be MUCH more in to pretend play because i catch him in action all the time. love my boys. love that they are different. have their own personalities. quirks. habits. tendancies. love, love, love.

{sunshine * shy, tentative, mama’s boy, pretend playing extraordinaire}

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things i can’t believe :

  • that it’s already may {have you checked your calendar’s my peeps? may, i say!}
  • that turbojet has completed his 1st year of preschool – wow! {and may…really?!}
  • we think an 18 hour car ride with a 4 and a 2 year old sounds ‘fun’  :o)  {it’s going to be…really!}
  • that we have approxiamately 4,561 hotwheel cars in and around our house and the boys manage to argue over ONE of them at least 4.5 times a day
  • that caffeine is bad for you when you’re pregnant  :o)

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the boys and i go on LOTS of walks, especially now that turbojet can ride his bike with no trainers. if i’m honest, sometimes i get bored ‘just’ walking. i’m more of a do-er AND a go-er than just a go-er {that probably made zero sense, so if any of you are still following me, congrats!} the point is, sometimes when we go for walks, we whip up one of these…

…and we have ourselves a good old-fashioned scavenger hunt. this way the boys become more alert and aware of the world around them {slam dunk!}…and mama doesn’t get too bored on the umpteenth walk of the day {victory!}

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we’ve had unusually ‘cool’ weather {think low 70s} this week…cool for the southwest and cool for may {…have i mentioned it’s may already? because it is.} we even had a smattering of rain yesterday, and when it rains here, our house does the happy dance because it just doesn’t happen all that often. so, happy dancing was busted out yesterday…by everyone except sunshine. apparently rain doesn’t jive with his sunny disposition and instead leaves him howling and crying to bring in all his toys from outside because they are getting wet {God forbide!} needless to say, no happy dancing for sunshine.

{leftover storm clouds…}

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this pregnancy has been different than my first two. this pregnancy my moods are like rollercoasters, i crave junky food, and i get in weird frames of mind. for instance, i just got done cleaning our bathroom at 11:10pm…not. normal. people. especially for me, the one who usually avoids cleaning the bathroom at all costs because everyone knows it’s the worst/nastiest/not-fun-est room in the house to clean. see? frames of mind? weird. apparently, another side effect of this pregnancy is the need to buy shoes {i can blame that on the prego hormones right? : nod head in agreement with moody, pregnant lady driving this blog post : } because two new pairs have magically appeared in my closet this week…

fabulously cute and both great steals…wouldn’t you agree? : cue, more nodding :

commercial photography

someone’s toes-ies wanted in on the action…

commercial photography

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turbojet officially completed his first year of preschool, which they celebrated with a ‘big’ graduation. the thought of a preschool graduation {especially so because turbojet actually has ONE more year before he gets to go to kinder} makes me giggle and want to say ‘awe!’ all in the same breath. which is tricky. but i pretty much nailed it yesterday, when i saw this waving at me…

childhood photography

funny to note the state of his diploma in these next two images…it just so happened that it ended up being wadded into a ball and tossed around the gym like a baseball before the ceremony was quite through. never. a. dull. moment.

child photography

and that school picture we talked about in last week’s daily dose? i think it’s a keeper…

child photography

next week’s daily dose will be coming to you live from the big sky state, so stay tuned and happy weekend all!

Kathy - You are too adorable. Seriously.

Your Mama - Aw, Turbojet and Sunshine. Stacey, you always make me laugh, smile, giggle but mostly miss you guys so much. Can’t wait for you guys to get here.

stacey - i love you ladies! thank you for reading, for commenting, for making MY day and my heart happy! have a great weekend!

arlene - Very Fun– love the scavenger hunt!
Just had to remind Turbojet that his daddy broke his leg when he was little from jumping off the furniture. 🙂

Erin Wells - SO cute Stace! You know why this pregnancy is so different don’t you!?!? GIRL BABY 🙂
Excited to see you guys, safe travels and have fun on that road trip!

patti - once again, my cloudy rainy day became sunny!!! I loved the blog today, I loved that sunshine, doesn’t like rain, he must be related to me, I loved the diploma, the cap and gown, and turbojet so proud & happy !! I loved the sandals, you better bring them to Montana, maybe you will entice the sun to stay out more often. It was a great read, for my friday afternoon, thank you for the adventure through your words. love you all, and will see you soon .

patti *

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