my life as i live it . a daily dose

my thoughts are all jumbly in my head this morning, and as i sit here staring at my computer screen, i’m drawing a blank. i’m vacant-stare-downing my computer while sifting through my muddled thoughts for the daily dose. i haven’t busted out the camera a ton this week either, so we’ll see where my ramblings lead us today! {boy, with that opener, i’m sure you are DYING to keep reading . . . just hear me out, you might be pleasantly surprised. here’s hoping!}

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we have been waiting impatiently patiently for our very first ever, of all time, niece or nephew to arrive.  baby should grace us with his/her presence aaaany day now. so if you are the praying type, say a little prayer that he/she decides to come SOON {read that baby? soon, i say!} if not, mama will be induced on the 14th, which somehow feels so close and yet so far, far away {i’m sure mama is throwing in an ‘amen, sista!’ right about now . . . am i right mama?}

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well, little baby, whatever day you choose to grace us with your adorable presence, just know that there are loving parents, doting grandparents, a super fun auntie and uncle {read : we will give you candy whenever. you. want.} and a beautiful world that await you!

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when we get to montana, my dad unfailingly has a ‘bonfire’ waiting to burn at some point during our stay.  and by bonfire i mean, raging 10-foot-high pile of debris he’s been gathering since the last time we were in town. so dad’s bonfires = awesome.

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and i’m pretty sure there’s an unwritten rule somewhere that if you have a bonfire you have to have at LEAST two things :

  • friends
  • s’mores

check. check.

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now brace yourselves here, people. i’m about to share a super-secret s’more ingredient that is going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND. seriously. blow it.

you’re welcome!

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my parents have a rather large work-in-progress called a shop in their back yard, and guess what greeted me after our amazing bonfire?  these adorably cute kittens.  {get ready . . . everybody now, “AWWW!”}

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it was all i could do not to pack one off into my suitcase for our drive home in july. bonus result? the boys and i have convinced lover to adopt a kitten when we get home. {isn’t that right, lover?}

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trying new things can be scary. you know that. i know that.  but sometimes i think new things can be really daunting and extra scary when you’re little because, guess what?  the majority of things in the world are still new to you, which means a lot of new things can be scary.  we try to encourage our boys to try new things.  to pull on their brave britches and give new things a go. last week, we hit the pool on one of our few non-rainy days, and turbojet did just that . . . cue the bravery britches . . .

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. . . trying not only the waterslide, but the diving board, too. you rock, buddy. thanks for slipping into your bravery britches and trying new things!

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in other news? sunshine floated around without screaming bloody murder. bravery can come in small doses, too.

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this weekend we’re off to a cabin up in the mountains for more family, more fires, more food, more fun. where there’s no internet connection and no cell service. much to report on next week’s daily dose. for now, embrace your weekend, and i’ll see you on monday, my friends!

Jill - Seriously, this baby is going to drive us crazy waiting! We but we can’t wait to introduce him or her to everyone! Have fun in great falls!

Kathy - Your Daily Doses make me happy!

C’mon little baby! You’re family is ready for you!

And zomg, how did I NOT think of having peanut butter in s’mores? You are brilliant….

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