i didn’t write much on thanksgiving day this year. i suppose i’m a bit slow-on-the-go; i guess you could say i’m a day {or two} late and a dollar short. so if you’re sick of fluffy posts on thanksgiving, and gratitude, and counting our blessings, and me celebrating the fact that i ROCKED my first turkey, then you should leave now. buh-bye.
on the other hand if you’re not sick of the items listed above, and you just can’t seem to get ENOUGH of all that gratitude-y goodness and self back patting…then, read on my good people! hi-ho!
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thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. i’m not exactly sure why, but it always has been. even in grade school i can remember telling everyone it was my favorite {dork! what kid says thanksgiving? yep, this girl did.} maybe it’s because it’s a celebration that is genuine with out all the bedazzling that other holidays get, or maybe because it’s centered around gratitude or the fact that we’re surrounded by family and friends and amazing food; perhaps, it’s the macy’s day parade, or that it’s the prelude to the celebration of Jesus’ birth…or maybe it’s because sometimes my birthday falls on thanksgiving 🙂 whatever the reason, it’s my fav. always has been, always will be.
thanksgiving is tricky nowadays. people dive into the holiday spirit and go all Christmas-crazy on everything before thanksgiving even knows what hit him {slow down people, it’s a comin’…let’s not wish away an entire month just thinking about it!} it makes me a little sad how shoved aside it is. pushed off into the corner, like the girl at the party nobody wants to dance with. well shine up those dancin’ shoes turkey day, i’ll dance with you til the cows come home!
and dance we did. with numbers like : the turkey trot

{who cooked their 1st turkey evah and didn’t ruin it? this girl! woot!}
and the ice-cream-for-breakfast shuffle

{oh yes we did. pumpkin ice cream, bacon and the macy’s day parade…*love* this tradition!}
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i wish i had glamorous pictures of decked out tables with place cards and centerpieces in all their glory that you see on a lot of creative persons blogs, buuuuuuut i don’t. i was too busy high-fiving myself celebrating the fact that i didn’t annihilate the turkey dinner. in lou of said fancy table, i have pictures of happy kiddos at the outdoor picnic table and proof that i actually really and truly DID cook thanksgiving dinner…see? {picture me doing the most killer victory dance you’ve ever seen. evah.}


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i don’t pick my camera up much during holidays or celebrations. oh sure i’ll pick it up for a snap here and there, but for the most part, i just try to live in the moment; to BE there. to participate and not just be the *eye in the sky*. the holiday’s we’ll remember. we’ll cherish. it’s the everyday life that will get forgotten. so it’s the everyday life that gets the majority of my paparazziness {real word, honest.}. and while the holidays are special and remind us how blessed we truly are, it’s the everyday that will continue to make me smile and thank God for how blessed i am year round.
so let’s make a toast. let’s raise our glasses to the everyday! here, here!
to, picnics at the park!

to, babies that sleep through said picnics!

to, coffee at the coffee shop!

to, healthy, happy, laughable babies!

to, brothers that love!

{though baby sista looks more like *yikes*}
to, dorky snister visits!

{to, rockin’ out my fashion sense like i just don’t care!}
to, my boys and my lover, and another year older, and wiser, and funner!

to, babies that give milestone birthday presents {we’ve got a roller!}

to, life!
and to you, dear readers! thank you for reading, for your interest even when i seem repetitive and mundane, for your comments that make my heart smile…thank you!
Tricia - Your turkey dinner looked delish! Bravo friend who doesn’t cook! I’m proud of you on your first try, I too have high-fived myself after a successful turkey and meal, you deserve it! 🙂
stacey - thank you SO. SO. MUCH. your words mean millions to me, so truly, and honestly thank you! <3
patti - Turkey looked awesome, and was that a fall wreath on the front door!! Awesome, holiday spirit once more. I haven’t posted anything that i am thankful for this year, been thinking of the perfect thing to be thankful for,,, well here it goes, your blog and uplifting encouraging words to me, and all your followers. You give a nice, light, airy fun, meaning to words, and life. I am thankful for this, you make thanksgiving everyday.
Arlene - You all have such an awesome family!
Turkey looked fabulous!
As did your socks in the pic w/snister.
Thankful for you 🙂