happy new year!!!
i write this with the honest hope that your new year is off with a bang! and that 2014 brings you blessings upon blessings, which translates into:
i hope your year is AWESOME!
i have no encouraging words for the new year, no resolutions set or personal goals to reach, i’ve never quite understood the need to designate change for only the new year when change is possible at any time through out the year if we want it badly enough.
so instead of telling you i’m trying lose weight or that i’m going take a picture of my kids every day for the whole year, or that i’m going to work out 5 times a week, i’ll unload a little secret we’ve been holding onto for a couple of months now.

yes, my dear readers, in 2014 our circus will grow from 3 to 4! woot! and as crazy as this may sound to some, when i dream about having 4 kids, my soul is a peace and i know it’s right where we’re supposed to be {i write that half chuckling, because the look on lover’s face in the picture says something entirely different…baha!!} but seriously, we are super excited, the kids can’t wait and we can’t either!
{and ps : no, i’m not having this baby anytime soon. by your 4th child, you pop out before you can say, “bobs-your-uncle!” ha!}
boy, it feels good to let that secret out! that’s all for now, but with renewed energy, i’m hoping to get back into a more consistent blogging groove after break!
cheers & blessings in 2014 *
reckless » lifeasyouliveit.com - […] intend on setting any new year’s goals or resolutions (ironically, this is the way LAST year’s new years post began…) to reiterate last year’s post, i’ve never really been one to jump […]
Stephanie - Yay! Congratulations to your whole family! I hope you are feeling well!
stacey - Yay!! congrats again! I am so excited for y’all! what a fun photo to announce it! can’t wait to meet the newest member of the circus next Christmas! xoxo
Jane - Yay!! Congrats to the whole family!! We need to get together and celebrate!!
Kendall - Soo happy for you!!! 🙂 I’m always around to baby sit if you ever need it! Or just help! 🙂 lovee you!!! So excited to meet the new baby!!! :))
Kelly - Congratulations!!!