it’s a daily dose. can you believe it? truth is : it’s taken me, um let’s see, almost two full weeks to pull myself together. to dig myself up and out of my pity party, to embrace the gratitude that i had buried beneath, to unearth myself from a mountainful of Christmas clutter, to take many, many deep breathes and even more cups of coffee, but i did it. it’s done : i finally got my groove back. and boy, it. feels. good.
there are approximately 9 bajillion-zillion things whizzing around our lives right now, so much so that i don’t even really know where to begin. so i’m spinning the wheel and choosing mindless brain dump…hurray!
daily dose!
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the boys have been experimenting with weird food combos this week :
- carrots dipped in ketchup
- peanut butter toast with eggs on top
- and, mint chocolate ice cream-sparkling cider floats
just to name a few.
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this might be my new favorite picture.

this one’s kind of funny too…and i’m a dork.

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baby girl’s all about trying new things. doing anything she can to be like the boys. she eats.

she sits.

she makes friends.

she’s growing WAY to fast for mama.
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do you have favorite quotes you run to when you’re feeling down? i definitely do. this is one of my very favorites…
* be joyful always. pray continually. give thanks in all circumstances. for this is God’s will for you * {1 thessalonians 5:16-18}
and this one…
* when you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive : to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love * {marcus aurelius}
or this…
* tomorrow is never promised, so live for today. put your ego aside, open your eyes to who and what’s around you. you are loved. you are cared for. you are blessed, always remember that * {junethea crystal centeno}
i’m always looking for new inspiration, do you have a favorite? share it in the comments box below! xoxo
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art time was re-established this week. more proof that i’m back in the groove baby.

you may notice that so far, the majority of the images have been of sweet pea. the boys have developed an intense aversion to my camera. go figure. so, you get sweet pea AMONGST the art supplies and the knowledge that art is being created all around her 🙂

bahahahaha! did i say i have gotten myself together? this image contradicts that statement…can you say, controlled chaos?! ha!

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it’s a brand new year, and i already feel behind…anyone else in my boat? my list of projects i’d love to tackle is extensive…wish i could say the same about my time. i’m giving an attempt at being organized and scheduling; both words make me a bit queasy {because both adjectives do not fit my personality} would LOVE any tips you might have for me! there are some GREAT ideas on pinterest and then there’s flylady which is wicked organized/clean/prepared…now if only i could find the time to implement them 🙂 …
…on the bright side, you could say we are inspired peoples…those of us with scads of creative projects just waiting to be created! i like that side of the story much, much better.
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leftover from turbo’s birthday images…these one’s make me smile :

and something about this one grabs me and hugs me tight…

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off to the whirlwind that is life! seasons are changing around here…more to come on that in the upcoming weeks!
daily dose * I.O.U. » - […] and the return of the *hey, what’s up my good people* hand. […]
patti - ah… love to come home from work, and read that your not in the blue, blues anymore. i too, need to organize myself in alot of areas. I am not sure if Pintrest is helping me. My mind swirls around all the projects that i would love, want,need to do. I applaud you, and all you do everyday. You accomplish so much more than I ever did as a mom!!
OH, I love your new favorite picture of charley, it is so cute!!