i hate that i keep getting on here telling you i’m breaking the blogging drought because every time i tell you that it means, well, just that. that i haven’t been blogging. and that makes me sad because i have posts built up in my head dying {DYING i say!} to get out! all in due time, i suppose. but now, NOW, it’s time to blog some overdue sessions from our montana vacation this summer!
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first up, this adorable family. you probably saw a little sneeky-peeky over on facebook if you follow me there, if not {*ahem*you should :)}, then these are new to you! either way, i hope you enjoy them as much as i do!
cute right? i don’t lie. cute is cute is cute. thanks for a very enjoyable session guys!
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i’d promise more blog posts soon, but you know how that goes. i promise and then i go back on my promise and then i promise and then…the ugly cycle continues. let’s just say, for the sake of old friends, that i’ll be back {and SOON-ish…honest!} with more sneek*peeks from sessions a la montana!