hello friends!
life has been a bit this side of crazy town lately as we rush into what will soon be the launch of a 4 member circus (please baby. come. any. time.) i have no deep thoughts, or words of wisdom, but i do have pictures and a peek at what life has held for us the past few weeks, so jump in! the waiting’s fine (if you’re not the one with the baby in your belly…#getoutofmybelly #arewedoneyet #iwanttoholdmybaby #andiwantmybodyback …..sorry, hashtag heaven is over…for now…)
fun visits from my adorable nephews helped pass the baby-counting-days, and quite enjoyably i might add.
how else have we been passing the time? we’ve been playing with friends…
and playing ball…
we’ve been wrestling…
and birthday celebrating (sunshine’s 5!!)…
and relaxing.
all in an attempt to pass the time, patiently (sometimes not so patiently *ahem, self*) waiting for baby.
then these 3 amigos become the 4 amigos and cirque de crazy becomes even more so.
i seriously can’t wait *
Cousin Tracy - So exciting! Can’t wait to meet the new family member!
Your Mama - Me either, I can’t wait!! Come on little baby #4!!