knock, knock!
who’s there?
just me……
is anyone home?
* * * * *
i recently took a break from blogging. i wanted to see what it felt like to not have to stress about what i was going to post, and when i was going to post it. some women (and men) are awesome at keeping the blog rolling every day…me? not so much, and i had started to put an undue amount of stress and pressure on myself.
hence, the summer break.
the break was much needed, and an eye opening reprieve. in more than one way, and i discovered a couple things during the time away from the blog.
first: it is clear to me that i need this space. this time. whether anyone is out there reading it or not, blogging, writing, documenting life must be in my blood because to go for such a stretch of time in silence feels like a part of me is missing. not to mention, writing helps me keep my sanity. nothing feels better than hammering out my thoughts on paper (when i’m really angry, i’ve been known to type out an entire page to vent. only to delete it. feeling 1000 lbs. lighter and nobody the wiser…) i think i’ve mentioned before, writing is my therapy. call me crazy (ha!), but it is.
second: i’m sad to say i don’t have as much time to devote to the blog as i’d like, and while i missed blogging, it also felt good to not have to worry about my next post. because let’s face it, life is busy. for us, it’s filled with 4 kids, and homeschool, and small businesses, and sports, and church, and maintaining healthy relationships, and plain old life, life, beautiful crazy life. i wouldn’t trade it for the world. but the reality is, i really stink at juggling it all. inevitabley, one ball drops and in turn, the dropped ball suffers. in my case, it’s often times the blog that is dropped in order to make room for something else for the moment, and that makes me sad because i love my little corner of the web and the people i’ve met here.
so i guess what i’m trying to say is, i’m trying to strike a balance between life and blog. in order to do that, i’ve decided to try shorter, more frequent, less wordy posts. little snippets of our crazy circus-y lives, random thoughts rolling through my head, our joys, our struggles; little peeks into the circus bedlam. don’t get me wrong, i’m certain i’ll have moments of lengthy, wordy posts that i’ll concoct when the spirit hits me (it’s best to write when he gives you a giant smack in the face. “write! write you fool!” bahaha!) my hope is that this way we can still connect, relate, laugh, commiserate, enjoy, and live life together. because i like you, and i love that you’re here!
i’m not sure why i felt the need to announce this. you’re probably thinking, “just write a post already. who the heck cares if it’s short or long or wordy or picture-y? just write something.” i think it’s probably because i’ve been MIA for so long, and probably because i’m hoping you’re still out there. waiting to read, waiting to connect…are you? are you there still? 🙂
and because a post with no pictures is boooooring, here’s punkin:
does anyone else find it crazy she’s already 3 months old?!
cheers friends, to sanity, simplicity & effortless juggling *
not your everyday ordinary » - […] also should learn to stick to my word. remember one of my last posts? about how i had decided in order to maintain simplicity, i would just blog more frequently with […]
stacey - thank you my dear! i intend too, just simply wish i had more hours in my day! xo
stacey - i’m always happy to hear that, thank you courtney!!
Courtney - I’m terrible about commenting, but I LOVE reading your blog. We really are out here…and happy you’re back! 🙂
Vanessa - I missed your posts. I figured life with four kids, one being a new baby, and being on vacation I wasn’t going to be seeing a lot of posts. Short or long I love reading and seeing your life. You inspire me to blog more often also. So keep on writing. 🙂 P.S. How is she three months old??