plodding along. that pretty much sums us up right now. between newborn feedings burning half the midnight oil, and a sick sweet pea burning the other half, topped off with a sick self, i can safely say i’m beat. and so is my patience (my poor boys…).
i’m wrapping up the night feeling less like a good mom and more like a bad one. but i’m also wrapping up the night with the hope that today was the storm and tomorrow will bring the sun after the rain. isn’t that what the trying times of our lives are for anyway? so that we can see how great the good days are? how would we recognize the good if we never had the bad? that’s what i’m riding on tonight…
…and how would we be grateful for sleep if we were never fully and completely sleep deprived?
sweet pea is still enamored with her baby sister. this series was taken pre-sickness and makes me smile. especially the last one.
good night friends!
cheers to the sun coming out tomorrow *
Christina - Wow! They’re so lovely and cute. Nice shot!
Your Mama - I am sorry to know that you guys aren’t feeling well! I hope I can step in and get you some sleep real soon, see you tomorrow! Love you all and miss you!
Audrey Stark - I stumbled upon you on IG. Your doing an awesome job momma!! If you ever need an ear, I think Im just around the corner. 😉 We are thrifty thursdays on IG. Keepin’ it real in the desert!