i’m going to start this post off with a statement.
this week was MUCH better than last week.
and some random thoughts :
- sippy cups drive me crazy {anyone else? bueller?} we just can’t seem to keep ours in check. we find them, we lose them, we find them, we lose them. and when we do find one that’s been MIA for awhile, if you’re like me, you do the sippy cup prayer *please, don’t be milk. please be water. just please, don’t be milk. anything but milk. please, don’t be milk, don’t be milk, don’t be milk* and then it’s like a 50/50 chance of the happy dance or the choke and gag. at our house, the choke and gag is beating the happy dance 10-3
- the boys skyped grama this morning. grama was sick. this afternoon when i tucked turbojet in for his *rest* he asked me to tell him to *get better. i caught a little bit of grama’s cold* {innocence of a child = love}
- i have discovered the magic of chocolate covered pretzels and find myself wondering what rock i’ve been hiding under for 29 years?! they are delicious. they go great with coffee. for breakfast.
- turbojet has developed a sudden fear of the toilet. in the sense of dropping toys down and having them flushed away and never seeing them again {i know what you’re thinking and NO we did not threaten this…it was his own coming-up-with!}. we get reprimanded if we leave the lid up. toy safety you know…all toilet lids must be kept closed unless otherwise in use. it’s a good rule.
- turbojet has also given everyone new names : i’m mary. lover’s joseph. sweet pea’s Jesus. turbojet’s karsen {?}. and sunshine is turbojet. happy holidays from the *new* us.
- they’re ripping up the fields of crops around our house to make room for a bigger highway and more big-box stores. it makes me a little bit sad inside everytime i see another field gone. proof that i’m still a montanan at heart.
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i’m thinking about investing in an apple orchard sometime soon. this week the boys ate 12 apples in 4 days. yeah. that’s a lot. majority of the time, sunshine even ate the core.

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if you need a GREAT laugh. read this. i was. CRYING. for reals. it’s pretty darn funny.
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someone else likes the saucer…

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it rained for TWO whole days this week. believe me when i say, it. was. incredible. the dreariness just wrapped itself around us in a great big bear hug and left huge puddles in our park as a parting gift. sunshine took full advantage.


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need a quick teacher gift? here’s what we whipped up this morning lickety-split…

simple and cute and you probably have everything right at home.
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turbojet had his Christmas program last night. it was 10 minutes of pure awesomeness. really. turbo was singing so loud and so hard his face was turning red…i truly thought he was going to blow a gasket. too funny for words! not to mention adorable…but as always, i’m biased 🙂
see for yourself…

{he just had to have a mohawk for the performance}
these two pictures pretty much sum it up 🙂

our gift {besides the obvious adorable little choir boy!}

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ernie. oh ernie, how do i love thee? let me count the ways…a GIGANTIC ernie post will be up this weekend. he’s been keeping us busy. i’m thinking ernie may need to down-size his operation Christmas Joy mission next year. we’re just baaaarely keeping up!
have a beautiful weekend!
Your Mama - I just love all of this blog. I hold my sides laughing because you guys are all soooo funny. Then when you told me the story of Sunshine crying last night and asking for you/Mary, I laugh all over again. I just can hardly stand it until you guys get here so I can experience it all firt hand. Love ya!
Kathy - Oh man, the choke and gag had me laughing because it’s SO TRUE! And we only have one little one….yet I don’t know HOW she manages to hide them.
And kids are so amazing. They make everything so much better!
We haven’t done Elf on the Shelf, and I think I’m okay with that. We’ll do Santa and that’s about it! <3
Are you doing WPPI this year? I sure hope so because I'm going again and I want to see you, adorable and NOT pregnant!