I’m Stacey, a follower of Jesus, the wife to one sweet guy (Lover!), and the mom of four awesome kids whom I’ve lovingly deemed “The Circus.” This blog has evolved over the years and has now become a conglomerate of things that make my heart sing. It’s here you’ll find snippets of faith, parts and pieces of homeschooling, photography, wellness, and…life!
I have made it my personal mission to teach my children to seek out the love, joy, and consequent gratitude found in ordinary, everyday life… all while consuming mass amounts of black coffee. You can find my daily musings and creative endeavors here, in my little corner of the web :
Thank you for being here…I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me!
Cheers *

Images brilliantly captured by : erin kaye photography
Jen - Stacey – just happened upon your blog the other day and I am a new avid follower! 🙂 And a fellow Montanan – where do you live in Montana? I’m from Glendive – far east! My husband and I went to MSU Bozeman and moved back to our hometown. We have family in Billings and Red Lodge area.
stacey - alisa! so happy you stopped by! and thank you, thank you for leaving your sweet comment! i would love to meet you the next time we’re in town! take care!
Alisa - So your dad does a lot of electrician work for the company I work for. I’ve met your little guy several times and absolutely LOVE him! Your dad showed me your blog and I absolutely LOVE seeing your pictures! Would love to meet you next time your in Montana! Thanks for the entertainment and congrats on the new lil babe…