dear turbo,

dear turbo,

tomorrow’s your birthday! as with all of your birthdays, i find myself in disbelief that you’re really going to be six…SIX! has it really already been six wonderful years?

 {newborn, one year}

this birthday seems bigger this time around. it’s kind of a milestone when you can’t tell people how old you are with one hand anymore, and you have to use two instead. you’re in school now, and you’re developing more independence {as if you ever lacked it!}, and well, you’re just plain bigger.

{two years, three years}

you’re the one that made me a mama, did you know that? that’s kind of special. i wasn’t a mama before i had you. i didn’t know what it was like to love someone so fiercely, to care so much for them {sometimes too much…it’s possible}, to want so much for them.

you’re the baby that taught me how to love selflessly, how to be more patient, to listen to my heart, to roll with the punches, to find joy in the mundane, to discipline lovingly, to find more faith, to care about what’s going on in the world, about education, and compassion, and most of all love.

not that i didn’t do or have these things before, but once you came along, i felt them more deeply and became more aware of them. more aware of how i wanted/needed to be a better person because suddenly, my actions, my way with words, my view of the world was being soaked in by a tiny baby, solely dependent on lover and me to guide his little self through this crazy, crazy world. so frankly, because of you my little turbojet, i am a better person. perhaps a little more tired and worn out, but better none-the-less 🙂

{four years, five years}

you are developing into quite the little boy! still so busy, so determined, so brave. you want to learn and know everything. you understand things logically, but struggle a bit thinking outside the box. you’ll try anything at least once, especially if it’s adventurous or dangerous. for such a little boy, you’re heart is filled with so much love, and not just for your family, you spread love with you wherever you go.

oh, if i could just keep you this age! buuuuuut, i can’t. so instead, i hope you’ll hang on to all these wonderful attributes throughout your life. that you’ll always face life bravely, always be ready to try new things, always be ready to learn something new, and always be ready to spread love anywhere and everywhere you go.

most of all though {remember my word courage? i’m using it here}…most of all, i pray {as i do every night} that you’ll become a child of God, a lover of Jesus, and a light to the world. because really? that’s all you’ll ever need.

loving you to heaven and back *


{six years headed to a blog near you tomorrow}

Lisa - Two fingers…so big! Happy Birthday Turbo! High fives or sixes for YOU!

Stacey - Awe…sweet Turbo..I am so sad to miss this day you turn 6…We have helped you celebrate every year. I wish I was there to make you your most loved cake pops and wish you the happiest of days! I will see you in Feb and I can’t wait!
Happy Happy 6th Birthday Buddy…miss and love you much!

And Stac…great post…had tears in my eyes…everything I want for my boys as well! They really need to stop growing up so quickly! ((hugs)) to you my friend!

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