grateful project : the little things * days 13-15

since i’m behind a day or two, or three, today is going to be a mish-mash of gratitude all rolled up into one pretty little blog post. we have so much to be thankful for, i always feel like i could post forever on gratitude. our weekend was busy and wonderful, and when you focus on the little things, the world suddenly becomes much brighter, much more full of life, much more open, and loving, and fun, and…i could go on, but i wouldn’t want to make you up-chuck on your keyboard…HA, funny visual image!…sorry, feeling distracted tonight so hang on tight!

zoom, back on track, the weekend. i’m thankful for that, aren’t you?  you know you are.

i’m thankful for hiking. let me rephrase that : i’m thankful we made it hiking because if i had to hear owen jabbering in the back of the van on and on about : are we hiking that mountain? to the top? that mountain? hiking it? are we going to go hiking? right now? are we to the mountain yet? that mountain? how do we get to that mountain? can we go way, way to the top? the top of that mountain? : i am not exaggerating when i tell you it was like diarrhea of the mouth, question after question bubbling up from the insides of my excited little man. praise God we made it to the mountain or i may have gone crazy! 🙂

gratitude : hiking/enjoying the great outdoors with the fam & our besties (the only thing that may have made me even MORE grateful was if the cacti you see in the background were actually pine trees instead…just sayin’)

moving along, more gratitude. did you know you can even find gratitude at the store? well if you look hard enough, it’s right there next to the Tide…

…in the form of two little boys, that won’t be fitting into this cart much longer. everyday things = gratitude.

is it possible to be thankful for bed-jumping? or in a more refined form of gratitude : i’m thankful for ingenuity. new ways of doing old things. our new favorite way to burn off ALL of owen’s extra energy (trust me when i tell you there is a LOT of it!)…jumping our jiggles out…and you can bet your butt there’s a song to go with it! 🙂

this connotes a lot of gratitude…but the main one that pops out at me, is that i am BEYOND grateful my babies have a daddy that will take the time to sit down, crack open a story, and read to them. just spend time with them. be there for them. thankfulness cup = filled.

clean snuggle-bugs…extra bonus gratitude for the frowny-face emmi is rockin’ in the last image. it is my personal mission to capture this face in one great image, so far it has eluded me…

and a last little gratitude collage for you. i’m probably going to be kicking myself tomorrow when i’m hunting around for an image for my grateful project, but tonight, it seemed like such a great idea! happy, happy monday night to you all! you survived the dreaded ‘monday’ on to conquer tuesday! sleep tight!

stacey - send me a list 🙂 your wish will be granted!

Your Mama - Boy I see several pictures that would look great adorning my walls!

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