grateful project : the little things * days 16-20

oh man, i am so beyond behind. i think i momentarily fell off the grateful wagon, but never fear!  i’ve sprinted back up marathon-style to bring you another uber-long post of thanks!

i was on my way to get coffee the other day when it hit, as it has a ba-jillion times before, how very grateful i am for a small little thing i like to call ‘the drive-thru’ (have you heard of it?) 🙂 and never does this become more apparent than when you become a mother and suddenly, you are wishing every freakin’ place on the planet had a drive-thru so you didn’t have to unload your baby(ies) for the umpteenth time that day (am i right people?!). i’m talking grocery store drive-thrus, drive-thrus at target, barnes & noble, you name it, i’ve wished it had a drive thru. and has anyone ever noticed that if you’re craving a delicious and nutritious sandwich for lunch, there is absolutely NO WHERE to drive thru. no. where. subway? nope. quiznos? nada. so thank you, inventor of the drive-thru man/woman because you make my life EASIER!!

i’m grateful for : the promise of the future…

have you ever really looked at the moon? of course you have, but have you ever looked at the moon in awe? chewing on the thought that the reason you can see it is that the sun is lighting it up from the complete opposite side of the earth. amazing. awe-inspiring. incredibly grateful for the moon tonight. and plus, ever since i was a little guy i have loved this poem…i see the moon and the moon sees me. God bless the moon and God bless me.

i’m grateful for : fostering an early love of reading…

and my random thanks for the day? these little birds that dangle in my kitchen and make me smile 🙂

happy weekend!

stacey - pamela! welcome! i am BEYOND happy you stopped by! thank you, thank you for your sweet comment and for taking the time to dig into my blog! congrats on your 1st DSLR! you will find it becomes quite addicting…in an amazing way 🙂 please let me know if there’s ever a question i can answer or encouragement to give! good luck and i hope to see you stop by again!

stacey - oh i am in comment heaven right now! thanks you guys! and you got it patti, your ‘order’ is on my list! 🙂

patti - Not sure drive thoughs were invented quite yet when my kids where little! jk,, I do remember driving though in & out!! 🙂 I really enjoyed all the posts, especially the picture of Owen & Emmitt at the ballpark, it was awesome. i would love a 5 X 7 of that photo!! have a great day, hoping capturing many more incrediable moments with my darling grandboys!! Love you…

Stacey - ALL Great things to be grateful for…loving all of the photos as well; I was gonna try and pic my fav…but serisously…can’t! The one of the boys sitting outside the fence looking in is pricless and love the pic of emmi through the door with is precious books! I do those those drive thrus as well..wondful things’ I tell ya! Thanks for reminding us to see the little things in life like the beautiful moon! ?

stacey - yay! i like catchup comments 🙂 they make me smile! and as for the nooks, they were demo-ing them today (yes, i was there too!) and they look pretttty awesome! 🙂

Pamela - I found your blog via a comment you posted on The Creative Mama re: being grateful and what a treat! I love, love, love your photos! I recently got my first DSLR and can only hope that someday I will be able to take pictures half as good as yours.

Lisa Wagner - So true about drive-thru’s such a blessing! I don’t think I would like a drive thru barnes and noble though…Chris and I were there today…I just love looking at all the books and hanging out! But, I do have to tell you that I got the Nook and it is kind of like a drive thru for BandN…all I have to do is hit the ‘buy now’ button on the Nook and WALLA an instant download! {I’m in serious trouble!}
anyways…since its a catchup blog post, I guess this is a catchup comment post {ubber long!} 😉

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