grateful project : the little things * days 6 & 7

grateful : day 6

grateful for : nightime fires accompanied by : peanut butter s’mores, pumpkin spice coffee, listening to owen sing his abc’s, emmi cuddled up on my lap, lover by my side…need i say more?

grateful : day 7

i was watching my boys play earlier this week, and i caught this sweetest image of them playing together. today, i’m thankful for these moments. for the ‘brotherly’ bond they have developed and will continue to develop their entire lives. some days are battles. we have mini-altercations on important things like sharing and how to be nice. i try to end each little battle with a hug between the boys, a kiss and an i love you in the hopes that these gestures now will strengthen their relationship later. because after all, like my dad constantly reminded my sister and i when we were growing up, your sibling(s) are your best friends. they will always be around. always be there for you when friends may come and go. so today, i’m thankful for my boys brotherly bond and that i play an important role in strengthening it.

Brittany - Once again Ms Stacey, I completely heart your zest for Mommyhood! Your boys are so very luck to have such a beautiful, fun and creative Mommy! Keep the posts coming…

Stacey - I love love love that last picture where their piggies are crossed under the table! So sweet. Great moments for sure

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