his tender heart

my sunshine has a tender heart. lately, he just can’t get enough of the people he loves.

when turbo leaves for school, and sunshine doesn’t get one last hug. his tender heart, broken.

mama sneaks out for some sanity {i.e. coffee + silence}. sunshine finds out. his tears. his tender heart, broken.

grandparents leave on a jet plane. sunshine chases after for one last kiss. his voice cracks, he squeaks out, “i love you.” his lip protrudes. his tears. his tender heart, broken.

i drop him off for school. he begs to stay with me. his tears. his pleas. his tender heart, broken.

poor baby. so much love for such a little body. he’s struggling to figure out how to manage it.

if only i knew how to teach him.

xo *

Bekah - Dear little guy. I actually think it is a great thing that he can cry when he is sad, you know? So often we see little kids told to toughen up for that sort of thing, but the fact that he can show when he is sad just says (to me) that he knows that it is okay to love wholeheartedly.

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