hitting reset

i’ve been needing a reset button in a BAD way these days. third trimester pregnancy roller coaster woes {read: irritable/crabby one second & happy-go-lucky the next} have me practically on my knees praying for do-over days. or that God would humor me by installing a reset button app on my phone…you know just til the babe arrives and mama’s raging hormones settle back down to a more decent level. come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t wished for a reset button before….

i snapped at my kids [reset]; said kids spilled an entire BAG of cat food on the floor [reset]; i just cleaned 1/2 the house only to turn around moments later to see it is already an unrecognizable mess [reset]; i burned dinner [reset]; i snapped again; i ran out of gas; i broke the sink [reset, reset, reset]

ah, that would be the life.

but since i don’t see a reset button OR app entering my life anytime soon, i’ll settle for weekends like this one. weekends where aunts {who are really just angels in disguise} whisk my circus away not just for the day, but for the night as well. see ya later kids!


oh blessed silence that filled my house for over 12 hours. it was kind of like candy…for my ears. serious face.

never in my life would i have thought it could feel so good to have absolutely nothing to do as i do now that i have 3 kids with a 4th on the way. when these brief snippets of time present themselves and give me a chance to recharge, oh how i revel in the nothing-to-do-ed-ness of it all!

thank you auntie for taking our circus! i needed to hit that reset button in the worst way. now, if only i could figure out how to maintain that sense of peace for 10 more weeks before circus member #4 arrives   😉



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