justin beaver

the weather has finally began to cool down to a bearable temperature here in the desert. a temperature that is now consistently reaching it’s hand to open the door and yanking us outside to enjoy it. and so, with that invitation, we’ve begun walking to pick up turbojet from school, loading up the stroller with scooters and lots of water {it was still 90 yesterday, but today was cooler with promises of more tomorrow} and making the 10 minute walk over to the school to get him.

it’s fun to pick him up like this. it elongates the process, and though half the time he shoots way ahead, the other half, he slows his pace so that we can talk about his day : what was his favorite part, why he was on *yellow* {if he was}, what books they read, etc. but yesterday, the topic went pop culture in a funny, funny way.

*  *  *  *  *

turbo had zipped ahead and then fell back in time with my steps when he announced, *i’ve seen the justin beaver movie.*

{thinking in my head : a) no you haven’t, and b) BAHAHAHA! justin beaver.}

me, serious face in place, *really. and what was that about?*

{braces self for hilarious answer}

to which he replys, *a beaver. justin BEAVER. it’s about a beaver.*

{holds in snorts of laughter}

at this point, i had a dilemma. enjoy his innocence {which i adore}, or break it to him gently that no, in fact, justin BIEBER, is not a movie about a BEAVER, but about a boy who sings. and by doing so, saving him from being made fun of at school.

sooooo, i gave a valiant effort to explain it all to which he quickly replied, *well, there ARE animals in it.*

i tried.

*  *  *  *  *

i have a feeling this is a preview of how the rest of my kids lives will be. i guess you could say our parenting style is a bit old school? not much TV, no video games…maybe this will change as they get older…

for now, i’m just going to enjoy their innocence while i can. celebrating that, for now anyway, justin beaver is just a beaver in a movie and not some pop culture icon turbojet idolizes 🙂


Jackie - O’ enjoy! I think that’s the best kind of parenting… Let them be young and innocent as long as we can!!

Claudia Flaherty - Okay I am seriously laughing so hard right now. Rylan was OBSESSED with Justin Beaver about a year ago. And yes, it was Justin Beaver, not Bieber. He had the singing toothbrush and all (“You smile, I smile”). Bahahaha!!! Kids crack me up! This is my first ever comment but I always read and can relate so much. So glad our boys have become friends and we have too. I cherish our time spent together. Have a beautiful Sunday Funday with your fam. See you this week. Peace yo! 🙂

Deanne - Bahaha Beaver! This just was awesome. 🙂

Lanae Brown - Hahaha! We have a beaver beanie baby at home that Rylan named Justin. “You know Mom, Justin Beaver,” he told me! I see kids his age (6) singing along every word to pop music and it makes me cringe. We sing Veggie Tales, watch Curious George and Little Einsteins DVDs and have a stuffed beaver named Justin in our house. I will keep the innocence as long as possible too!

Your Mama - Thank you Turbojet, I will never look at Justin Bieber (Beaver) the same again. I love that he will continue to know that “there are animals in it.” Your posts always give me a good chuckle, good insight into deep topics, and lots of great pictures of our grandbabies!!! Love ya

Tricia - I love your parenting style… it’s the way it should be for young children. They do activities, explore their creativity, play outside, use their imagination. They’re amazing, and I haven’t even met them in person yet! 🙂

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