my life as i live it . a daily dose

does it bother anyone else that i’m calling these friday posts ‘a daily dose’ when in reality, they’re actually more like a weekly dose  or a friday dose, but not truly daily . . . it’s been irking me just a bit, but on the flip-side, i like the happy ring that ‘a daily dose’ sings to my ears. so for now, i guess we’ll leave it, unless you, dear readers, have some better suggestions, in which case, i’m all ears!

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and now, this week’s DAILY dose . . .

if i’m honest, this week was not fabulous for me, personally. preggo hormones have been kicking my butt . . . BIG TIME. and only today have i managed to pull myself out of the mucky mire that i had sunk into earlier this week. i fell deep into that yucky feeling that you’re no good at anything and thus not motivated to DO any of these things you’re supposedly ‘not good at.’ yeah, that feeling. that was me, all. week. long. until today, and it’s like the clouds literally parted, and i’m back to being my motivated, positive, happy-go-lucky self! lucky you! *wink*wink*

self portrait

{not sure what i’m looking at here. i think i was going for thoughtful . . . contemplating what adventures my 3rd child will bring . . . . yeah, that’s it. and for anyone wondering, bright lipstick does wonders in the mood-boosting department!}

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turbojet! my big boy learned how to ride his bike with NO training wheels last weekend. i can’t even believe i’m writing that down, that i have a ‘little’ boy big enough to accomplish such a feat. we should have done it MONTHS ago, because i’m telling you, he’s a natural. it’s the God-honest truth. the boy is a natural. like, lover walked behind him for 10-ish or so feet, let go, and away turbojet flew like he’d ridden with no training wheels his entire life. no wobble. no almost-fell-over-but-i-didn’t. just straight-up, old-fashioned, two-wheel bike riding.

lifestyle photography

i’m foreseeing bmx bike riding in our future. the kid is literally taking 18-inch jumps with his new-found talent and little two-wheeler. (ok, jumps might be a bit of a proud-mom exaggeration, but he is riding off 18-inch ledges and landing it!) i’m also foreseeing some potential ER visits. and yes, he’s rockin’ his jammies in these pictures like it’s nobody’s business!

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i thought this video was crazy-amazing . . .

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i got my first-ever official mother’s day card today. and i LOVE IT. now when i say my first ever, i mean like my first ever made-by-my-child-just-for-me mother’s day card (versus a child’s-signature-forged-by-daddy card). and since it’s my first EV-ER, i thought i’d share, mostly because it made me smile! i love a child’s perspective and turbojet’s is fantastic . . .

my portrait…

commercial photography

my stats according to turbojet . . .

commercial photography

and, in my mind, my mother’s day is already complete! what are your plans?

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i stumbled upon a photography project that i’ve fallen in love with called embrace the camera. the whole concept is getting yourself out from BEHIND the camera and getting IN FRONT of the lense. the goal is to capture moments in your everyday life, so that years down the road, you aren’t looking back and wondering where the heck you were all those years!

it’s a trickier task than it sounds, especially when no one else is around to man the camera! so yesterday, i got my camera all set up with my remote, wrestled sunshine into bed for some story time, and snapped away! it was so cute, every time he heard the shutter click he’d say, ‘one more time!’ and peer up and give his cheesiest grin. the quality of the images are not amazing from a technical standpoint, but from an emotional one? invaluable.

lifestyle photography

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recently {like this week recent}, turbojet has developed a new fear of wind and things blowing away. don’t ask me why, because we really haven’t had any wind this week, nor have we had anything blow away recently. but the fear is real and tends to be particularly geared towards losing our backyard umbrella. we’re talking a little breeze picks up, and we start to panic. a gust blows in, and we come screaming into the house as if someone just lost a leg. we’re talking standing outside hugging the umbrella, begging me to close it up so it doesn’t ‘fly away.’ i’ve assured him a ba-jillion times it will not take off into orbit, but that does not console him. part of me finds it humorous {though i would never tell him that!} and so, images of our very loved and cared about umbrella . . .

lifestyle photography

i love sunshine’s expression too . . . it imitates turbojet’s concern!

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i want to send you off into your weekend with wishes for a happy mama’s day! celebrate! my hope was to post a picture of me with my own mama, and do you know that i can’t find a SINGLE. ONE. {mom, new task: take pictures of us together next time we’re together!} mom, i love you! have a fabulous day! SO wishing we were there to celebrate with you! {insert sad face}, but our upcoming montana trip will make up for it!

have a beautiful weekend, friends!


stacey - thanks ladies for the love!

Alex - Hahaha. This is the CUTEST blog post ever! 🙂

Kathy - You are too gorgeous.

LOVE the bed pictures and man, Turbojet being fearless? That’s my daughter too! Another potential long distance boyfriend for my daughter, me thinks. 😉

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