one word for 2013

i don’t mean to start the year off on a ‘bleh’ foot, but after the excitement of the holidays, i have a tendency of feeling down in the dumps. pair that with leaving montana and this crud i’ve had for a few days…well, you get the picture.

i really don’t intend for this post to be negative though, so i’m pulling myself up out of my holiday doldrum coma to talk to you about life, the new year and what’s in store. i guess you could say this is my new year’s post, one week late {insert life motto : better late than never}

i’m not a person that usually makes resolutions. to me they always seem kind of silly {hopefully, that doesn’t offend anyone…hear me out!} i just think if you want to be in better shape then what does it matter if it’s january 1st or may 22nd? but i guess you have to start somewhere, so who am i to judge? i’m not.

contrary to what i just said, i did feel an urge to churn out resolutions this year for some reason, but at the risk of sounding cliche, i’m not going to share them with you. after all, who wants to read a post about how i want to get in shape and eat healthy and be a better person? it’s ok. admit it. not you! 🙂

instead, i read a wonderful blog post by one of my favorite bloggers about the new year. in lou of resolutions, she selects a word she hopes will define the year ahead. i thought this a brilliant idea, so i’ve been busy trying to pinpoint what word would best describe the year i’d like to have in 2013 both personally and professionally. and here it is…


courage to be who i really am. to be myself, both in real life and on this blog. it’s hard to admit, but i have a nagging fear that people may not like me or like what i have to say or are judging me. i’m the girl that wants everyone to like me, and sometimes, i think that holds me back.

courage for lover and me to make different choices for our family, even if it means stepping outside of the norm, the average, the conventional. courage to make these choices based on what’s best for our family and not what’s best for the world, and to make these choices without fear of judgement or failure.

courage to follow my heart. because following your heart is simply listening to God and His plan.

so there it is, courage.

for 2013, i hope and pray for courage.

what word will you choose to define 2013 for you? or perhaps you already have?

what do i stand for » - […] may remember at the beginning of the year that in loo of resolutions, i posted my chosen word for the year, and that word […]

dear turbo, » - […] of all though {remember my word courage? i’m using it here}…most of all, i pray {as i do every night} that you’ll become […]

Stacey - Our word is MORE…more family time, more loving, more hugging, more kisses, more laughing, more forgiving, more praying, more trying, more talking, more playing, more caring, more giving, more active, more losing (weight!), more saving…that is the McCraken’s word for 2013…MORE!
Blessings to you this 2013!! Miss you much! xoxo

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