
i wish i could tell you my 3 day weekend started out wonderfully, that magic was made, that exciting things happened, but in all honesty, i was crabby, uninspired, down in the dumps, yuck. i’m sure i was a burden to anyone i was around which mainly included lover and my babies. what can i say? i was a drag.

sometimes it’s hard to bust out of a slump. to drag yourself to the top of motivation mountain, check out the view and get started. yep, at the start of the weekend, i was in the valley of yuck, and the top of motivation mountain was barely visible through my debbie-downer cloud.

insert owen. he’s four. he loves life. he got a camera for his birthday. he wants to be like mama. he wants to capture the world from his perspective.

so on sunday, we loaded up the wagon with the goods (snacks, water, camera, babies) and went out to catch some perspective. to view the world however the heck we wanted through our very own lense.

here is the man in action. the man that helped me put my crabbiness aside, to step back and view and appreciate the world in a new way. perspective.

it cracks me up that, me unawares, he was taking similar images. perspective.

on our walk, we opened our eyes to the details. the textures we tend to overlook when we’re in a hurry. perspective.

my view…

owen’s view…

we looked at nature. at trees we see every single day and tried to sum them up in an image. perspective.



and do you know, that with each click of the shutter, with each new detail, i began to climb out of my crabby cave and into the light. all because a little boy wanted to take out his camera and show me a little perspective. show me the little things. and because of this, i began to feel invigorated, inspired, grateful…and we all know how gratitude makes me giddy. the clouds parted. life felt good from a different angle. perspective.

and to top off my eye-opening, happy boys at the park. i can’t get enough of these two little fellas.

*don’t be deceived. moments after this picture was taken owen thrust emmitt down the slide head first. aaaah, brotherly love…

thanks to owen, i not only saw the world from a new perspective, but life from a new perspective as well. and i’ll be damned if it isn’t brighter and happier than before! the valley of yuck is behind me and the mountain of motivation is clear as a whistle. bring it on week. bring it on. life is in perspective. the font of gratitude is flowing and my debbie downer persona is tucked away in the corner of my mind. bring. it. on.

one final note on perspective, even little emmitt chipped in when he secretly found my camera lounging in the wagon and managed to take a few clicks before he was discovered. perspective.

patti - I am not really sure why we have those “debby downer days”, but they must be there to teach us something new each time one does appear. I always used to say, “if your in a bad mood, feeling blue, or just plain crabby go to a Tee-ball game.” i WOULD never leave the game the same way I arrived. Your so right again, that little kids bring the right perspective to our lifes. So, on a light note, it is ok to have those kinds of days, min, seconds. This too will pass.
Thank You for being such a good mom, to those two adorable boys!! Love You~~~

Erin Hollern - SO cute!!!!

Your Mama - Stacey, you definitely have a “follower in your footsteps” little guy. Go Owen. Glad you’re feeling better. Hugs and kisses to you all and take care of yourself and little one. Love ya

Lisa Wagner - I may need to borrow owen when I’m having a debbie downer day! Too Too Precious, Stac!

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