i couldn’t resist! i just-just took these maternity images yesterday, but am so in love with the way they are turning out that i just had to get a few of them posted! this hot mama totally rocks the baby bump and was SUCH a good sport {how many expectant mothers can be coaxed to lay on the pavement of a frequented thoroughfare?!} so go ahead, get your sneek-peek-on and let me know what you think!
the lighting and mood of this image is, in culinary terms, delicious!

well worth the sacrifice, don’t you think? i know i do!


Maurin - She is pretty awesome!! Miss you girly! Hope your having a blast in all your travels! MUAH!!
Lia - Maurin, I have to say, that you make a big ol’ baby belly look guh-ood. This is in part (I imagine a big part!) your gorgeous self, and in part the clearly badass photographer who had the balls to ask you to lay down on the arizona highway pregs. Pretty awesome.
Amber Z - Wow! I LOVE these. Maurin, you look amazing!!!! I want a baby 🙁 wonderful photog!
Brittney - You look beautiful!
darin - Nice! Just got our pictures done, should be great!
Cindy DeLand - I Love when a photographer has a great imagination!! Maurin you look terrific!!
Megan D - You are Simply GORGEOUS!!
Molly - MAURIN YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I can’t wait to see pics of the little one!!!
Wyatt - Very Nice!
Anna - What great photos Maurin! You have a great photographer! Love the laying in the street images!
Traci - Maurin…you are sooo beautiful! I love the pics. She did an UH-MAZING job. You look great girl…can’t wait to see your new little one.
Maurin - xoxoxo
lisa - Luv these! I’m so glad I didn’t have to lay in the middle of the street for my pictures! Stac- amazing job capturing this moment in time!
Candy Finn - The pictures are beautiful! The angles and veiw-points are perfect!! Stacey – beautiful artisic views…love your eye for detail 🙂
Mommy Maurin – your are just BEAUTIFUL prego or not…LOVE YOU!
Deborah Cornwell - Loving these! Stacy you rock the camera and Maurin you always look amazing no matter what… 🙂
Sloan - At least you didn’t have to travel far for the picturesque desert landscape.
Kathie Smathers - Great pics of Maurin – what a unique idea.
Maurin - Honey…. you crack me up! Dont be jelouse that you dont know the names of all the beautiful plants in AZ! xoxo
Maurin - Thanks Linda! <3 Better hurry if you want some in Muze shirts…. due next month 😉 Hope all is going well with you! xoxo
Maurin - LOL! Jackie you are too funny!
Kelley - Really neat Mommie Shots!! I don’t think I have ever seen ones like these anywhere!!
You look FAB, Maurin!!
Phil Goins - Sorry talented photographer. Phil and I aren’t known for our moderation. You’ve done a great job capturing Maurin.
Phil Goins - You are looking marvelous, Maurin. The photos capture the essence of your pregnancy—total fulfillment and the beauty of God’s blessings.
Love you, Uncle Phil
Sharyn Goins - The portraits are outstanding as is our mother-to-be! Maurin, you radiate much happiness in your pregnancy. We are excited to see the newest little Sager in June, and we can’t wait to see how loving Londyn is with her new sister! Lots of love to all, Aunt Sharyn
Jeff 'PAPA' Sager - Those are my girls…lookin’ good…Good Job…Jeff
Kyle - What is a Creosote Bush? Oh yeah, I love the pictures and the beautiful Mama in them! You are one in a million Stac. Thank you!
Becky Schmidt - I am so happy for you, Maurin. You love being a mom and it certainly shows. These photos will show Brielle someday how unique you are and loved being pregnant with her.
Linda - These look AWESOME!!! Now we need some pics of you in a Muze Maternity shirt.
You are beautiful!!!
MacKenzie - The pictures are amazing! I can’t believe how great u look, ur all baby!!! Can’t wait to see Brielle! Love ya…xoxo 🙂
Jonelle Sager - Well, I love the subjects so you know I love the photos…ROCK THAT BABY BUMP…but stay off the street !!!! That’s just the MOM in me, sorry….LOL Stacey, you ROCK….
Stacey - Can I comment twice??? I want her to win a free 8X10!!! Pics are gorgeous!!!!
patti - Great, fun, pictures!!
Jacqueline - SUPER CUTE! Great job Stacey!! …*almost* makes me want to be pregnant again! 😉
Maurin, you look great!! Can’t wait for Baby Brielle!! xoxo
Gayle Anderson - Love it!! Maurin looks FABULOUS!! (Of course!!) and your gift for photography is Absolutley Gorgeous!! 🙂 Can’t wait for the 23rd!! 🙂
Barbara King - Isn’t it interesting how the colors of the creosote bushes , the colors of the highway, and the colors Maurin’s wearing are in the same color scheme playing off each other? Very imaginative and turned out so well!
Terra - Maurin looks fabulous! Love the shots you took of her and I love the highway as a backdrop!
Ashley Van Cleave - Oh Stacey!! These are awesome! I wish I lived closer to you and you could do my preggy shots! Congrats on being a freakin amazing photographer!
maurin - Okay Stac you seriously ROCK!!!! You made me look (and feel) like a model! The turned out beautiful! I cant even wait to see the rest of them! XOXOXO
michele bess - Love all your photos! If I win, I am donating my win for you to take a 30th anniversary photo of Patti and David. They are so photogenic and I know they would love one as a gift.
Great job
Sue - What a fun fun fun photo shoot. These pictures are awesome and Maurin you are beautiful, can’t wait to see the little one, congratulations!
Stacey - OH MY AWESOMENESS….You are so fabulous as are those pictures!! I wish I was preggy to get some awesome shots like that…can’t wait to see the rest! Maurin YOU look FABULOUS!!!