texting santa

i texted santa a few days ago to let him know he needed to hit up our house on thursday night due to Christmas traveling. you do know santa texts don’t you? {censor * he does if you change someone’s name in your phone to ‘santa’ anyway…} the point is. magic showed up early at our house this year.

these are the moments we mama’s live for, yes? i can’t imagine a picture more descriptive of the joy kids feel both the night before Christmas…

{turbo could hardly contain his excitement. seriously, bursting here…he’s kissing his stocking he’s THAT stoked. sweet pea’s looking on in curiousity, while sunshine gazes intently at his empty stocking…perhaps dreaming of what he’ll find in the morning…Christmas magic. magic. magic.}

and the morning of…

{sunshine seeking hidden treasures at the bottom of his stocking in his patient style. what you can’t see is turbo to the left of the frame, stocking dumped out, picked through, chomping at the bit to open presents 🙂 }

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{in case you were curious : trouble with my dslr = more instagram pictures…i would venture to say it captured the moment as well, if not better than, as my dslr would have…as far as the mood of the picture goes anyway…}

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i wish you all a very blessed and truly happy Christmas! may you soak in the magic of each little moment!

and now…i’m headed home for Christmas!

cheers & love *


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