the giving gift{s}

i’m probably writing this too late for any of you overachievers out there {yes. i’m talking to you. you who are entirely too ambitious and already have all of your Christmas shopping done. just a little envious of your ‘divide and conquer’ attitudes when it comes to Christmas shopping…in comparison to my ‘ponder, waiver and panic’ strategy.} but for those of you with strategies like myself, this could be coming right on cue!

pulling myself back from that tangent, i’ve compiled a list of *the giving gift{s}* and by giving gifts, i’m talking about gifts that not only bring joy to the person you’re giving it to, but joy to the person to whom you purchased it from.

gifts that give yo.

that extend their arm out and help and offer support to portions of the world that are in need. i’ve tried to give you a well rounded list that includes organizations and products that are helping both here in the U.S. as well as globally. please consider purchasing gifts intentionally this year, bringing joy to those you love and to others across the world. what an amazing way to celebrate the season of LOVE!

 1 * buying these scarves helps create a sustainable future for women in africa fashionABLE

2 * heart pendant & other jewelry for a variety of causes jewelry for a cause

3 * buying FEED TOMS donates a pair of shoes + 12 school meals to a child, the NYC bag $ goes to sandy relief. many more products can be found at  FEED project

4 * macbook cases, clutches & more are made by & your purchases support amputee women in haiti 3 cords

5 * jammies are made by & your purchases help, women who’ve escaped forced prostitution punjammies

6 * buy a pair of shoes, they give a pair to someone in need TOMS

7 * every pair of glasses purchased, they give a pair to someone in need warby parker

*  *  *  *  *

i can tell you i actually own the macbook case from 3 cords {the one pictured above #4} and the quality is amazing! it’s so awesome using it and knowing we made a small, yet helpful, contribution to someone’s life. i encourage you to purchase at least one gift from an organization above or a similar one…after all, it may not seem like much to you, but it might mean the world to them!

if you have other places you like to shop from that would be considered *gifts that give* i would love it if you would leave a link below!

happy shopping!

Kathy - I loved this list! Fantastic!

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