the weekend

we had an ultra busy, ultra fun weekend this weekend filled with…well if i’m honest, all things *free*. some how i managed to hit up the spa (with a gift certificate that i’ve had for SO long, i’m embarrassed to admit that i’ve had it for *cough* over 3 years), the coyotes hockey game, and the arizona cardinals game without parting with a single dolla’ dolla’ bill y’all (can i get a hell-yeah!) unless of course you count the uber-uber-UBER expensive, yet enticingly delicious, sporting event cuisine that did manage to rip a tiny hole in my pocket-book, but who’s counting really?!

that being said, thank you, thank you to all of you who gave us the hooks this beautiful weekend!

the weekend in pictures began at the spa with my beautiful friends…

followed by a to-die-for massage where, if photography were allowed, you would be seeing luxurious green robes, cushy slippers, crisp cucumber water, a eucalyptus steamer, and a sunken hot tub with beautiful glass tile, can you see it?? what you can see are some architectural/design details i couldn’t resist…rusted metal partitions and these gnarly plants i fell in love with.

topped off with some poolside lounging. relaxing, MUCH.

after a brief intermission at home with the babies and hubby, we loaded up with all the paraphernalia that is involved in a trek such as this and zipped off to the hockey game…attention spans were working full tilt at the beginning of the game…

even owen was interested for a full 1st period (*shock*). initially, owen was none-to-thrilled with the thought of going to a hockey game. he could recall the last time we were there that he was not a fan of the horn they blare “at him” when a goal is scored. he was adamant all day that he would not be attending.

so how do i go about convincing him to go you might ask (and with no tears)?…tell him he gets to wear jeans. JEANS, people. my poor arizonian son was bribed to go to a hockey game with the promise of busting out the denim. wow. what else can you say.

attention spans went way, way, WAY down hill after the 1st period. looking back, the bowl of ice cream probably didn’t help. but happy boy = happy mama! thank the stars we had our own entire ROW for the boys to bip around in…this is owen’s STOP-TAKING-MY-PICTURE face.

unfortunately, no pictures of the cardinals game. of course i regret it. it was a game against the raiders and the raider nation does NOT hold back when they decide to represent their team (think skulls, black makeup, crazy-ness). so the fan shots could have been intense…

oh, the game? pretty good if you’re a football fan. me? i fake it…and not very well. my attention span is similar to the boys in that respect. poor football loving hubby puts up with my faux excitement. go team.

Stacey - OK…SSSOOOOO jealous of your little spa get away…where can I get me one of those?! lol And great pics of the hockey game…we ? the yotes! And too bad no pics of the FB game…would have loved to see it from your point of view!

stacey - glad you enjoyed it 🙂 i thought that the jeans thing was tooooooo funny! we miss you too! love you!

patti - Great Blog!! So funny~~~ Jeans, ah do whatever it takes, I say!! Was emmitt still in those cute overalls? So cute. Glad you got the spa moment in, I am sure that you deserved every second of that!! Once again, thanks for sharing. Love and Miss you all~~~

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