daily dose * quickie

popping in for a quick daily dose of the montana persuasion. i’m waiting impatiently patiently for lover to get here with my laptop {and accompanying photoshop} for a *real* blog post, so today, i’m settling for a daily dose quickie ala instagram 🙂

let’s roll!

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as if i haven’t bombarded you enough with the notion that it’s beautiful here. well, it’s beautiful here.

my view while running the other night. exercise-wise, nothing feels better than exercising in the cool mountain air. nothing. the backdrop doesn’t hurt either.

{no filter}

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my plan is to hike with the boys and sweet pea as many days possible this summer. our first day out didn’t disappoint.

hiker babe.

this particular hike included a bridge and a river. how much fun can 2 boys have throwing leaves off one side of the bridge and scampering quickly to the other to see them as they float on by? the answer is infinite. infinite fun.

infinite until a storm cloud began lurking nearby.

we raced to the van to beat the storm.

but not without first stopping to blow dandelion wishes.

safe. first hike = win.

rain vs. us = win.


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my favorite, favorite spring flowers. johnny jump-ups, shooting stars or whatever the heck else people call them. they’re beautiful. beautiful. beautiful.

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we’ve been in montana 5 days. one included a visit to urgent care. thankfully, 2 teeth later, all is well.

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visits with friends have already started and we couldn’t be happier to reconnect. the girls watching baseball.

{impression : sharing girlie secrets. reality : sweet pea cringes from her personal space invasion & the cold, ha!}

turbo got to spend his afternoon with his little buddy L at kindergarten. he was in heaven. it was a great trial run for the fall!

in the meantime, sunshine perused the nursery gardens with his little friend M.

{closest pic i got of the boys together. fail.}

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life is good in the big sky state! more to come, but for now, we hunker down with coffee and movies as we happily watch the storm roll through!



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