my favorites

cream colored ponies and crisp apple streudels.

door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.

the people below and not some pink poodles.

these are a few of my fav-o-rite things…


*  *  *  *  *

ok. i might not be a song writer or song-word-manipulator, but my people? they really are my favorites.

we had a hard day today. i’m chalking it up to selfishness (on my part), everyone continuing to adjust to having a new member of the family in the house (no matter how beautiful a newborn addition is to the family, it is equally as challenging. that’s just real), and leftover sickness.

i’m clinging to the simple fact that these people, even on the hard days, are still, and always will be my favorites. and for that i’m feeling exceedingly grateful.

blessings & cheers *

Lisa Wagner - Love the pics Stac, they are precious! AND loving the perspective…joy in the midst of challenge. LOVE IT AND YOU! XO

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