our Easter garden

my mom was in town for a couple of days, always time well spent for our family. oh, how i wish we lived closer to all the grandparents, but we’ll take what we can get.

with Easter drawing near, my mom had been inspired by this post to create an Easter garden with the circus {do you read ann’s blog? so inspiring! not to mention her book…}

i instantly loved the idea. we strive hard to make sure our circus knows that Easter isn’t simply about eggs and bunnies and candy {though we do like that part, especially the part about chocolate}, but that it’s about something bigger, something greater, something more wonderful. the gift of life through death. what could be greater than that?

and so we gathered the soil, and the succulents {because i kill real plants}; and we made a cross with twigs and faith/hope/love rocks, and then we got to work.

easter, easter garden, easter terrarium, Jesus

and while we worked, we talked about the Easter story and what it means for us. for all who choose to accept Jesus as their Savior. and though they are little, i think they’re starting to get it. at least, i pray they are.

easter, easter garden, easter terrarium, Jesus

easter, easter garden, easter terrarium, Jesus

it’s pretty deep for such little guys, but my hope is simply that we’re planting the seeds of the greatest love story of all time into their hearts, and that if we continue to tend to them and nurture them, they will blossom and grow into hearts filled with faith, with hope in the Lord, and with love for all the world.

easter, easter garden, Jesus

and houston? i think we’ve found our new Easter tradition. the Easter garden was a hit all around. it now adorns the center of our table to remind us of the importance of the cross during this Easter season. a fact that i love!

easter, easter garden, john 3:16, Jesus

happy almost Easter friends!

grandma Jo - Stacey, The Easter Story presentation was wonderful. I am so
proud of you and thankful for how you are continually teaching my
great grandkids. Loved the garden, all the pictures and I love
all of you. gdmajo

stacey - laura! thank you for stopping by and for your comment! welcome, welcome!

Laura - Yours is so beautiful! 🙂 Love it. And yes, I love Ann’s blog and book too. I’m new here…gonna take a quick look around!

darcie - This is awesome. Looks fun! Id like to make one 🙂

Patti - Oh I love this! Absolutely a great idea, share this idea to the world!

Give those babies hugs from grandma patti. <3

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