school * less words, more pictures

to counteract my super sentimental post before this, i’m gonna spare you the gory details of the first day of school and let the pictures do the talking instead {well, most of the talking} 🙂

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my adorably, handsome kindergartner {don’t you just want to squeeze him?}

my equally adorable pre-schooler {also, very squeezable}

proof that the *i love you* bands were rocked.

each walking to their respective schools. love that i unintentionally caught them in the same act.

{somebody please laugh with me about how sunshine’s backpack is seriously as big as he is, hahahaha!}

getting comfy in their classrooms. turbo nervous, but confident.

sunshine. tentative, but excited.

and my favorite image of the day, brother love. it’s going to take some adjusting for sunshine to not have turbo around. i heard *when’s turbo coming home?* more times today than i can count.

the boys each did great {as expected}. i was a wreck {as expected}. so all in all, everything went as expected 🙂 i’m crossing my fingers for an easier day tomorrow…

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and just for a laugh, check out my first day of kindergarten pic…80s much? 🙂

my hair is like, totally righteous!

have a radical day dudes! 🙂

Kathy - Like, omg, that is totally adorable. Everything. Especially the part that Sunshine could totally fit IN his backpack.

At least you have a beautiful little girl to keep you company at home!

Stacey - I love all of the pics! So glad they both had great days, and I promis…it will get easier as days go by! Talked to Mrs. B yesterday and she loves him…she said he is “soooooooo cute” (her words!)

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