where to begin with the wieber family? our story goes back a little farther than others. i had the privilege of working with cory waaaaaay back in the day when i was still dabbling in architecture and interiors {on a little sidenote, if you ever need a great architect, contact me and i’ll hook you up with cory. you won’t be disappointed!} what a blessing that they now consider me their family photographer, and i get to help them celebrate the little milestones of their lives each year!
during this session, our primary focus was little lydia who just turned one at the end of april! i think you’ll agree after sifting through the images that she is a little doll! i hope you enjoy the images as much as i did shooting and editing them . . . it was really hard to pick which ones to share with you!

{above . . . by far one of my favorites of the day!}


of course, we had to squeeze in a couple of the fam and big brother, nolan . . .

{above . . . another image i love! look at the joy/love on mom and dad’s face . . . and the story behind the image? nolan is busy counting how many pieces of candy i’m going to give him for letting me take his picture! *smile*}

adore-able. period.

below . . . another favorite from our session. glorious light, beautiful baby, happy heart.

happy monday, friends!
Kathy - What a beautiful family! And *sigh* that light is just beautiful.
stacey - and rightly so mr. wiebers! glad you like what you’re seeing!
Cory W - I love these pictures and I love my family.