advent activities * elf-style

i’ve been wanting an advent activity of sorts for the last couple of years. last year’s idea was a flop…and by flop, i mean : it didn’t get finished…at. all. just trust me when i say, there’s proof in the 2nd cabinet on the left in my kitchen…true story.

at the end of the Christmas season last year, i stumbled upon this blog post and vowed to remember it for the 2011 Christmas season. {i bet you’re thinking right now, “wow, her memory is really great if she hung onto that idea for that long!”} fat chance. i forgot about it and miracle of miracles, i happened to stumble upon that very same blog post again a couple weeks ago; taking this into consideration, i instantly determined : it was meant to be.

and so, out of the ashes of a resurrected blog post : ernie was created.

ernie p. elfinmeir.

ernie left the boys and sweet pea a letter and package on the morning of december the 1st. the letter explained his situation. here’s your brief synopsis :

ernie is the head of a top secret group called the C.S.I. {aka the Christmas Spirit Investigators} Christmas cheer is running low this Christmas, so santa and ernie put turbojet, sunshine and sweet pea in charge of operation : Christmas Joy. he will bring them a Christmas activity each day in order to count down to Christmas and to spread as much Christmas spirit as humanly possible 🙂

the Christmas elf concept was inspired by tara’s original post. the basic concept is the same {elf delivers activities until Christmas} i made it my own by developing the story of the C.S.I. and by coming up with activities that i felt would be both fun and would teach my boys about the true meaning of Christmas.

yesterday’s was simple. ernie told us to go get hot chocolate…here’s the letter, and the package they received. the package had candy canes and a starbucks card tucked inside of it…

sunshine took the whole *spreading Christmas cheer thing* a bit too literal. hot chocolate was EVERYWHERE after sunshine toppled his all. over. the table, chairs, floor, diaper bag etc. {ps…lover is super excited for our Christmas disaster countdown, as he lovingly calls it…ha!}

spreading Christmas cheer via hot chocolate at starbucks? check.

today? ernie’s wondering *where the heck our Christmas tree is?* looks like we have our afternoon planned out for us!

follow along to hear about our other ernie adventures! which will include both fun activities {think gingerbread houses, tree decorating, etc.} and true Christmas spirit activities {think angel tree, food bank, delivering cookies, etc.}

i’m excited! the boys have already taken to ernie p. elfinmeir. it should be fun! even if it is disastrous…right, lover? 🙂

advent activities * ernie round 2 » - […] ernie has been keeping us SO busy that him plus regular Christmas craziness has become slightly out of control…let’s just say next year, i’ll bet ernie scales down his Christmas Joy operation a lot just a bit. ernie has a tendency to bite off more than he can chew. trust me. ernie and i are like *this* […]

daily dose * what a week » - […] you were worried!} and besides, my ugly week was topped off by a beautiful weekend…thanks to ernie keeping us on our […]

advent activities * ernie round 1 » - […] ernie has kept me us SUPER busy, and the boys are having LOTS fun! mamacita on the other hand is getting a run for her money trying to keep up, nothing like an elf alter ego to keep you on your toes! {i’m ashamed to admit that i actually FORGOT to put out today’s *ernie gift* and had to sneek it out once the boys were already awake…what is UP with my brain lately?!} here’s what ernie had us busy working on to spread that oh-so-coveted Christmas cheer… […]

daily dose * forgetful » - […] going to call it a night. it’s been a long day. a long weekend for that matter. ernie is giving me a run for my money. you’ll hear more about ernie later this […]

Your Mama - What an awesome idea. Those kiddos are indeed lucky, as lover is too. I’m sure he is anxiously awaiting each new day along with turbojet, sunshine and sweet pea. PS, I love the way sunshine got right into that whole theme. This is my new advent tradition: reading about what my lucky grandbabies experience each day right up until Christmas! Love you and can’t wait for you guys to get up here for Christmas.

Jackie - Stac – I dont know how you do it and now with three! You always manage to keep them so engaged and entertained. You’re such an amazing mama!! Your kiddos are sooo lucky! I wish I had you as my personal assistant too, so you can help me pull of wonderful things like this for Marcus!! xoxo

Stephanie - Yay! I wish there were an elf coming to MY house to boss me into the Christmas spirit! Super cute packaging, too. 🙂

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