Tag Archives: life

get this song out of my head!

i’ve had this veggie tales song stuck in my head for going on 4 days now {get. it. out. make the bad man stop.see it all! »

daily dose * I.O.U.

soooo, i’ve been slackin’. i haven’t posted a true daily dose since i don’t know when. andsee it all! »

insta*montha*grams {march}

i’m feeling blessed, so really quick before i spread the instagram love…did you all get a chance to checksee it all! »

project play * crayon melting

new to project play? you can read how we got started here or just jump in! *  *  *  *  * i was *so* excited for thissee it all! »

we saw the Once-ler.

today, we saw the once-ler. i’m being serious. he left a sad, lonely trail for us to follow. stump after stump ofsee it all! »


i’ve been torn between making this a positive post and writing about how i really feel. in lou of going allsee it all! »

project play * spaghetti sensory bin

spaghetti in the sensory tub…oh so fun! first, i must share that i *love* the sensory tub. like really, really,see it all! »

daily dose * dam

i woke up to the dead stare of the sentimental waters of the whirlpool this morning. the hard, cold stare piercing mesee it all! »