insta*montha*grams {march}

i’m feeling blessed, so really quick before i spread the instagram love…did you all get a chance to check out my guest post over at The Creative Mama on thursday? if not, go check it out and have a look around their site. it’s such a fun and inspiring blog…what an honor to guest post there! i have been blown. away. by the response to my *on the day you were born* books, that now i’m frantically trying to pull together the template to get it up for sale…wow. like, i said blessed.

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on to insta*montha*grams…how sad is it that this is the first {the FIRST, ack!} insta*montha*gram of the year?! {ooh! ooh! pick me! pick me!} the answer is “really sad” m’am. really sad. in true stacey fashion, i’m behind the 8 ball. on the plus side…march insta*montha*grams in da house 🙂 GO!

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only favorite images this time around. if i dumped all 90+ images on you, you might get crushed. i like you. i don’t want you to be crushed. therefore, favorites only 🙂

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annnnnnd you still might be crushed! sorry, i DO love my instagrams 🙂

are you an instagram lover? yes? {high-five} then jump on the insta*montha*gram bandwagon! do your very own insta*montha*gram blogpost on your blog and then leave a comment with your link below!  i would LOVE to check it out!

and ps…if you’re a fellow instagram user, you can also follow my instagram feed at lifeasyouliveit {!}

happy *gram-ing!

ashley derose - Hello, is the template to the “on the day you were born” book still available?

Jennifer - Yes is your template available for purchase? I would love to make one for my nephews, all 5 of them ha!

heather lameda - Is the template for your book still available? I have two nieces who are approaching big sister status. Well, big sister and bigger sister. Thank you 🙂

patti - So many cute photos,, i can look at these photos over and over… 🙂 Keep up the good photos, and post everyday!!

love you all!!!

Your Mama - I couldn’t pick just one photo if I had to, I love them all! Thanks Stacey for posting them, they help especially when I am feeling so far away and lonely. Love you guys!

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