i have desperately needed a change for a while now…ok a LONG while now. like 9-years-ago-high-school kind of awhile now. so, i did it. i made a change. i tried something new. i bit the bullet. i got (wait for it)…bangs. bangs? yep, like real honest to goodness bangs. like elementary school, throw-back style bangs. and i *think* i love them (we’re still in the early stages of our relationship…you know, the getting to know you phase, but i do. i think i love them).
but beyond that, change feels so amazing, doesn’t it? whether it’s a new hairstyle, job, or play on the football field (threw that one in there for you lover*) change is empowering. it kicks you up a notch, forces you to take a different perspective, and makes the world fresher, brighter…new. ah, i do love new!
so be honest (one of my most favoritest characteristics of people, and tonight that is a word folks) what do you think? leave a comment, constructive/humorous or otherwise and share your brain thoughts…


a quick side note and plug for my dear friend maurin, hairdresser extraordinaire, if you live in the phoenix valley, she is ready and available to help you make your change. leave me a comment if you’d like her contact info!
*and for anyone who doesn’t know me personally, lover is my most wonderful and amazingly awesome hubby, chad!
Jacqueline Perea - Love the bangs!! They look great. 🙂
Erin Hollern - I too LOVE them! Good look, great photo of you! So CUTE!
Stacey - I LOVE it and thinks it looks GREAT!!! Woo to the Hoo!!! Yea for change!
Amy Winter - I LOOOOOVE them! You look so cute :o)