monster jam! {said in rad announcer voice}

on saturday night, we loaded up our boys and our friends and their boys and surprised the kids by taking them to monster jam. and oh. my. goodness. they were pumped! if you follow me on facebook, you probably already saw turbo’s full body fist pump when he figured out where we were!

at first they were just in awe, studying the life-size versions of the trucks they play with all too often.

and then, out came grave digger. if you can’t tell by sunshine’s face, he was PUMPED to see his favorite monster truck in real life!

grave digger awesomeness.

i didn’t expect to enjoy it so much myself, but for 3 hours we sat riveted watching monster truck after monster truck race, crush, jump, spin and crash. it. was. awesome.

wanna know the even more awesome part? having children with differing interests than your own, being able to open up to their interests, making the choice to embrace them and then enjoying them together as a family! now, that’s awesome!

peace out monster jam lovers *


Jackie - Love love love those little expressions!!!

Claudia - I just love the look on Sunshines face!! That says it all. The pic of you 4 is totally rad too! Glad you all had a blast.

Xoxo friend!

Deanne - Seriously, awesome pictures of the boys. It looks like you and your family had a great time creating new memories.

Your Mama - Oh Stacey, thank you for posting this wonderful experience for you guys. Because I have played monster trucks with these two monster truck lovers, I know how excited they can be. So I love to experience it through the pictures. Man they will be talking about it FOREVER!!! Love all you guys!

Lanae Brown - That last picture is just great! You guys are awesome parents!

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