ode to the weekend


i realize it’s already tuesday, and i had this post ready to go for monday…but not quite. and then life happened, and then monday turned into tuesday morning, and i debated on whether or not i should post it and then i figured, “why the heck not?” so there you have it. a weekend post. on tuesday. what, what!

*  *  *  *  *

oh dear weekend, how do i love thee? let me count the ways…

* you came bearing storm clouds, rain, and cool weather {well. it was 80. but hey! that’s cooler than the 108 we had last week!}

* you brought firsts in the form of flag football and soccer games.

{can you believe this is the only sports picture i took? in part because i had the wrong lens. hard to take sports pics with a fixed focal length wide angle lens…just sayin’}

i did get a cute pic of the flag foot ball coach and his assistant though…

* and not only that, but you let me nap…TWICE. in. one. weekend. {oh. wait. that was lover who let me do that. THANK YOU LOVER. thank you.}

* and let’s not forget the motor for the green burrito {dude. it is SO close to being drivable}

{the overseers}

* you brought backwards, giant shoes…

{we’re reading pippi longstocking right now. and that’s all i can think of when i see the picture of sweet pea above. after all, everyone knows pippi wears big, black shoes that are way too big for her feet…}

* and lovely light. and cute bike riders.

* oh! and pumpkin bread. sweet nectar, you came with pumpkin bread hoisted high above your head. fall is near. sweet nectar {did i say that already?} pumpkin season is back in fashion. and i couldn’t be more thrilled. my helpers. also, enjoy my messy counter. and bad lighting. you’re welcome.

{no picture of the actual bread because we consumed it faster than you can say, “bob’s your uncle!”}

yes, weekend. you are welcome in my house any time. ya hear me? any. time.

peace out yo’s *


Your Mama - All I can say is, boys stop getting so big! That is what will happen to Sweet Pea if she grows into those shoes!! It looked like a great weekend! Love you guys!

Amy - Looks like you guys had a great weekend!

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