yesterday was happy

yesterday was happy.

it was the kind of day that made me feel whole again. after a week or so of feeling, meh. i desperately needed yesterday.

we kicked off yesterday at the park. you really can’t beat the park at 8am in arizona. think shade, and just right temps, and no one else there, and happy kids, and happy mama.

sunshine didn’t cry or protest once about going to preschool {he still goes 3 mornings a week for a few hours. he knows we’re home for school those mornings and is always a bit bummed, but i love his teacher and she’s likeminded in my views of education…tmi, moving on…} the point is : no crying. no nothing. just run to the door and, *love you, bye mommy.*


homeschool was actually at the coffee-shop school. turbo’s like me, prefers the hustle, bustle to work in. go for it dude. i like their coffee {gpa’s and gma’s…coffee shop giftcard request for Christmas, lol}

happy, happy.

sweet pea napped for 4 hours. i love her dearly, but that was an amazing reprieve this afternoon.

we wrapped up school without protest. the boys played all afternoon WITHOUT FIGHTING. they SHARED. they were KIND. people, this is equivalent to spotting the loch ness monster or big foot. this was a big deal. don’t get me wrong, they get along the majority of the time, but the ENTIRE afternoon and into the evening? i’m telling you people, i felt like i won the lottery.

it was the kind of afternoon where i felt like all my ranting and encouraging and begging for kindness was actually being heeded. it might actually be working. no. it’s working! for the love of all things good and holy, it’s working!!


everyone ate their dinner and didn’t complain {who let big foot in?} the boy’s willingly helped every time i asked {oh, hello mr. loch ness. who let you in?}

i’m telling you. these are the days i live for. mama’s can i get an amen? or a word-to-your-mom, i’munna drop bomb? because dats the bomb? yeah-yeah-yeah {gangsta be gone…}

i wish i could have bottled it up. or video recorded it for the next time i hear the sounds of fighting…

*boys. boys, sit down, and watch this video. see? this is you. see how you’re GETTING ALONG?! see how you’re NOT FIGHTING? see how you thought of your brother BEFORE YOURSELF? do it again. now. NOW.*

effective parenting? probably not. but it’d be worth it to relive yesterday’s happiness, you know, for my own sanity’s sake. a little reminder, that all our efforts are not in vain, but they’re working. little by little, they’re working, and that makes me happy,

like yesterday.

Holli Worthington - Way to savor it! I love those kinda perfect days! Heaven.

Kathy - A-FREAKING-men!! Holla!! Love it so much. I’d been praying for you to get some awesome peace in your life!

Kelly Kuntz - I’m sorry did you say FOUR hours!!! Can you bottle that so I can buy some!?!

Lisa Wagner - Amen!!!!????

Lisa Wagner - Amen!!!!????

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