paperclip pick up

sometimes, late at night, when the luster of working has worn thin and i need a creative re-boost, i scan through my blog-roll and catch up on all the sites i love. and on nights when the luster of work as been completely annihilated, i set work aside for tomorrow, dig into my fav’s and just start a-clicking to see where it takes me. some nights, it’s no where, and i shut down shop feeling creatively drained. then, there’s other nights. nights when i hit it big and find a new blog to add to my lovingly thumbed through blogroll. a blog that charges up my creative battery and shoots me off in to a new direction of creative inspiration.

‘made by joel’ is my latest addition. written by a stay-at-home dad/artist, this blog is loaded with UBER-creative activities to create with and/or for your kids. the most fantastic thing about this blog is that the activities use the most simple household items to create the modern games/toys/activities. SO, SO awesome!

i’ve already borrowed one of joel’s ideas, paperclip pick up, and thought i would share my own little diy with you in case any of you are interested in making them for your kids! (to see joel’s original post, click here).

my final product :

the tool you’ll need…(yes, ‘tool’…singular…i told you they were simple!) :

the visual recipe for making paperclip pickup :

and WA-LA! super fast, super easy, super fun!

*bonus* this simple game helps little guys with their dexterity (not to mention their hand-eye coordination, concentration and patience!)

another successful late night blog-stalk! thanks joel!

Your Mama - I love the look of triumph on Owens face.

patti - Ah… looked like Owen loved it. I was surprized that you didn’t go one step further and create animals or flowers or some other cute creature out of those clips!! 🙂

Stacey - Oh that looks fun! I will have to hop on over and check it out. Love the curliness of the paperclip ends..makes for some great photos!

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