the littlest bookshelf . book 1

*fair warning x2*

1 – i’m branching out from photography today on the blog

2 – the premiere post is quite lengthy, so hang in there!

for those of you who know me, you know that i have some flaws (and for those of you who don’t know me, just take my word for it, come along & find out!), some problems, some, dare we say…obsessions?

obsession : mania, quirk, hang-up, craving, fascination, hankering, itch, passion, enthusiasm (thank you merriam-webster)!

and my mania comes in the form of children’s books, LOTS and LOTS of children’s books. like bookshelves overflowing, where in the heck are we going to scrounge up space for this new stack, kind of a problem. like books in every room in the house kind of a deal (yes, including the bathroom), every vehicle, diaper bag, purse, you name it, it probably has a children’s book tucked away somewhere…just in case…a problem that existed before my kids were ever a thought in my mind. i would peruse the children’s books section at barnes & noble (shout out to Lois over at B&N), and lover would buy me kids books for Christmas…because that’s what i WANTED (i know, i’m sick in the head…)

so, the point of all my ramblings and exposing of my weaknessess is this : each week i’ve decided to start posting about one of our/my favorite children’s books. i’ve found some pretty unique one’s over the years that may/may not be available at your local bookstore. think of it as a little children’s book club, only i’m not a fan of the word ‘club’ so for the time being i’ll be calling these posts ‘the littlest bookshelf.’ this way i have an outlet for sharing my obsession!

i promise the littlest bookshelf posts won’t normally be this long, so anyone who is still stumbling along with me – THANK YOU! the very first book i’d like to introduce on the littlest bookshelf is a super fun book called :

this is such a unique and fantastic book!! originally written in spanish and later translated in to english, this book by isol should be on every kids bookshelf (my opinion of course!). you read it through once from the boy’s perspective, flip the book over and read the exact same story (word for word) but through the eyes of the duck! awesome. really.

just for fun, i’ll show you what i’m talking about. the boy’s perspective :

now from the duck’s point of view :

my boys LOVE this book! it teaches kids that there are two sides to every story, literally in this case! if you love what you see, i’ve done some leg work for you and you’ll find this book available for purchase here.

thank you for bearing with me in my ultra-lengthy premiere post of the littlest bookshelf. i would love any feedback, good/bad/or otherwise on the concept and if anyone is interested! happy reading!

new look, new life » - […] revival of the littlest bookshelf {any one remember that?} because i’m still a children’s […]

my life as i live it . a daily dose » - […] how i have a love obsession with children’s books? sometimes i get all itchy to go out and buy a bunch and soak up all of their […]

REVIVAL! the littlest bookshelf * beautiful OOPS! » - […] little posts about some of my most favorite-st children’s books of all time?  no?  if not, go here.  if yes, yay for you!  and double yay and a hallelujah for their […]

stacey - thanks patti! writing is up there on my list of dreams 🙂

stacey - you’re so sweet! ps. patrick is ADORABLE!

Erin Hollern - LOVE it Stace! Once again you inspire me! I wish I had half the creative brian that you do…. It’s so fun to see you grow in your photography, especially through those two adorable boys!

patti - Great idea Stac!! I am sure all your friends with little kids will love this!! Or anyone looking for a gift to buy a little one. The props were especially, enlightening. They looked just as excited as you sounded. Maybe you could get a job with a magazine or something. Your creative writing skills and illustrations were perfect. Once again you have done a great job!! Enjoy your weekend!!! love you<3

stacey - love you too mom! have a happy day!

stacey - we can’t wait to see you too! i’ll give you a call next week to see when you’re arriving!

stacey - i knew you would like it fellow kids book lover 😉 if you really are interested, click the link provided…they were starting at $5.00! (can’t beat that!) we may be making an appearance tonight, so watch your phone for my text! have a great day stac!

Your Mama - I love that book, too. Your “littlest bookshelf” is awesome, so creative and informative. Your props (little grandboys) are great. I love the picture of little brother looking and watching big brother. Can’t wait to read about the next book. Love you

Stacey - I LOVE IT!!!!! I think it is a great idea…and one that you will never have a problem finding books to review! The pics are great and go very well with your post and of course your boys are wonderful inspirations for great photos to go with the great post! What a fun book…I will have to look this one up…would be great for teaching the kinders 2 sides of the story!

Lisa Wagner - love it! B&N just makes me happy too! Looking foward to getting book ideas for Jacob & Aubrey! I haven’t left the children’s section yet w/ Ashley, hopefully I can squeeze in another year or two!!!!

Jill smith - You I know I love any blog with adorable pictures of my nephews, so that makes me a fan! Can’t wait to see you all in a week!

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