my blog started out as a product of my photography business {life as you live it} used simply to showcase my work as a photographer. it didn’t take me long to realize i actually LIKED blogging. not just liked, but REALLY liked and maybe even loved. i liked being able to open up. to write with both my words and my images. to share. to be me.
slowly the blog started evolving, showcasing client sessions every now and again, but eventually transforming into a place where i could share about who i am as a person. as a photographer. as an artist. as a wife. but mostly, as a mama. the blog has shifted. matured. and posts have become about us and who we are as a family. and i’m down with that. not only am i down with that, i’m embracing it {boy it felt good to get that off my chest…ha! for any of you in fear, i AM still booking sessions…simply wanted to point out the evolution of the blog 😀
i didn’t mean to go all serious-up-in-your face, but it seemed like a good little intro into what i’m about to introduce you too! so let’s hop off that serious train and board the fun express {and folks? that just hit new dorky levels…my apologies}
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part of my embracing-who-i-am-right-this-very-moment is a new collaborative project i just started with an AH-mazing like-minded mama {if it were possible for mom’s to be twins…it’s very possible she might be mine} a project we lovingly deemed : project PLAY. stemming from the simple fact that we like our kids to have fun and get messy and get learned all at the same time, and also the sad fact that we live thousands of miles apart {insert boo-ing}, we figured this would be a great way to let our kids be kids, actually DO all the projects we say we’re going to do, AND stay connected! and the bonus? we’re going to share all our awesome projects with YOU, from two different perspectives, so that you too can have happy, messy, creative kids! now that’s what I’M talkin’ ’bout! now, let’s meet the girl behind all the *her’s* in this paragraph…

every other week, i’ll post one of our projects. two families. two viewpoints. two forms of documentation. you’re welcome 🙂  this week’s project? yogurt painting! easy, cheap, edible. what more could you ask for?


* this was!  i’ve been excited to try yogurt painting for awhile now because i knew it would be an activity that N, our 6 month old, could enjoy with M, our 3 year old. i taped freezer paper down on the kitchen floor for a large {easily clean-up-able!} area for the kids to paint and then mixed vanilla yogurt with a few drops of food coloring. i was surprised to see N dig right in without hesitation. M followed quickly in baby sister’s footsteps and then things got wonderfully messy. this was N’s first taste of yogurt, so the majority of her exploration was in her mouth 🙂 M enjoyed mixing the colors and making rainbows. he played first with his hands and then wanted to see what it felt like on his feet, then his belly, then his legs, then his face…ha! when we were finished the kids went straight to a bubble bath i had waiting for them. despite the mess, clean up was quite simple. i just rolled up the freezer paper and tossed it. that’s it! this was an all around hit and will definitely be making the rotation in our house! *

we set up shop outside {one benefit of the AZ weather i normally can’t stand} and got ready to get down and dirty. sweet pea was not nearly as into it as little N was above, and even sunshine took some coaxing. it wasn’t until i suggested we zoom cars through the yogurt that he really started to get into…should’ve guessed, cars make everything more fun! 🙂 my timing was off {typical me} and mid-play we had to stop, wipe up the babies and go pick up turbojet from preschool. i left everything out for him to explore when we got home. round two : sunshine was WAY more into it with big bro around, and they spent the majority of the time slip, slidin’ around  with yogurt-y feet instead of painting with their hands…quite a bit of time was also spent running from one very excited bee who also seemed to really enjoy yogurt painting! {my bad. yogurt + gorgeous day = bee heaven} overall a huge messy success! the boys were amazed that i handed them the yogurt and let them go to town with it {*can we put our feet in? *can we spray it like this? *can i lick my hand?…} and rebecca was right, clean up was a breeze!

we would LOVE it if you would do this project with us! if you do jump on the project PLAY train, leave your link as a comment below whether it’s your blog/flickr/facebook page whatever…we would love to see other families playing with their own happy kids!
until we play again, we bid you adieu!
stacey * rebecca
project play * gak! » - […] {ps…project play newbies start here} […]
project play * crayon melting » - […] to project play? you can read how we got started here or just jump […]
discouraged. » - […] in the sink because i chose a donut and coffee outing this morning instead. a mama who loves doing project play with her boys, but spends 1/2 the time telling them what they CAN’T do {you should see the […]
project play * spaghetti sensory bin » - […] for playing! you know the drill…leave your link in your comment below so WE can check out your project […]
Amy - We LOVE to finger paint with yogurt….but full body painting with yogurt sounds like even MORE fun!!
Your Mama - Ha, that is soooo fun! Really not as messy as I thought it would be, so I think I’ll see if your daddy will be a yogurt artist! hee hee.
patti - I think I will stay off of this project train, this week!!!
But it looked like you guys had fun doing it!! Enjoy and thanks for sharing!! Love, patti