entertaining my circus & a giveaway!

i have a tendency of keeping random things in my bag to entertain my circus when we’re out and about. this is because…well…i do call my kids *the circus,* and they are called *the circus* for a reason. wherever we go we bring chaos, and noise, and fun {and if i’m honest, sometimes not-fun}. to some we might seem out of control. the items i tow around in my bag help me keep my circus somewhat in control. i like to think of it {them} as controlled chaos. if we’ve achieved that, i’m happy 🙂

let’s peek around inside my bag…

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my bag. maranda lee. i’ve had it over a year and well, if you can love a bag, then i love this one. durable, big, cute, lots of pockets. enough said.


{seriously. do you see all the things i have crammed in there? all the items i list below, plus cloth diapers which are bigger than normal, wipes, wet diaper bag, books, wallet…and believe me when i say, i could have fit more. lots of times water bottles and camera are included in the line up. wowza.}

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bubbles. a life-saver when you’re waiting in the exam room for the doctor to come in. not sure about you, but my kids will tear. apart. the room if we have to wait for more than 5 minutes. and we ALWAYS do.


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save an altoids tin, and fill it with micro-mini cars. ours were lover’s when he was little, but i’m sure you can find them on ebay or amazon. i have one rule when it comes to the small cars tin. they ONLY leave my bag when we’re out of the house. that way, little boys {and girl now} don’t get tired of them, and they maintain their fun and special status.


{the *cones* are the little ear checker thingy’s from the doctor’s office. perfect road cones. perfect.}

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pair the play*doh with the cars from above, and you’ve just gained yourself an extra 1/2 hour at the coffee shop. you’re welcome.


{sweet pea kept sneaking into my pictures and stealing my props…ps : the play*doh is homemade not store bought. SO much better that way.}

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we once traced our bodies all over the sidewalks of downtown denver waiting to get into a restaurant. there also may have been some hopscotching. true story.


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probably the easiest one to pack around, these work GREAT at church before the kids go off to children’s church. it keeps them quiet and sitting still, and studies show, you retain information better when you doodle. so doodle on little ones!


{marker thief}

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snacks are good everywhere. i just wanted to show you our favorite snack bags : snacktaxi’s! you can get them in all sorts of cute fabric and, they’re washable and reusable. win. win. win.


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if all that fails and we start to get desperate, we bust out games like, *mama says* and red light, green light. or if we have to be quiet, we make paper airplanes, draw a road on paper for our small cars to race on or read the books that i usually have crammed into my bag.

how do you keep your kids entertained when you’re out and about? i’m always looking for new ways to keep mine busy!

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…and that concludes the tour of the random items inside my bag, and brings us to the GIVEAWAY!

i am thrilled to tell you we’re giving away a red chevron clutch from maranda at maranda lee designs {the gal who made my bag pictured above}

maranda lee giveaway

adorable, yes? let’s pause for a WOOT-WOOT!

this giveaway is extra special to me because maranda is based out of bozeman, montana, and as many of you know, that’s where i was raised. i still have montana running thick in my blood, and i continue to shop *local* {without actually being local} to support my fellow montanan’s whenever i can. it’s with a happy heart that i encourage you to check out her etsy store and her website. her products are to die for and YOU could win one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
you have until thursday night at midnight {MST} to enter and the winner will be announced on friday!

much love friends and good luck!

cheers *


Amanda - LOOOVE the bag!! What size is yours?

Brittany - Mini animal figurines. They are always a thriller. Also an old cellphone that no longer works!

Jennifer S. - Love love love the clutch! So gorgeous!!!

Lynn - These are some AWESOME ideas for me to keep in my diaper bag. Thank you!

Lanae Brown - That has to be the cutest clutch I’ve ever seen! I just told my daughter today that Mommy needs a new purse!
Love the micro-minis idea and chalk! Dum-dums are my go-to since we never have candy at home – instant quiet for at least 10 minutes (until they realize that biting them doesn’t really crack your teeth).

Patti - Hi stac,
Wow, I never realized you had that much in that bag, no wonder your arms are so buff.

Renee - We love SnackTaxi’s and also Ryan’s room Sew ‘N’ Sew for my bag. Where do you get your cute sketch books?

Lisa Wagner - I love your bag of tricks….it allows us to spend more time with you at coffee! Who knew those were not really road cones!!! Love it!

Connie - Small favorite books that are only kept in the car – love your ideas

Becky G - I always have a matchbox car and a pack of fruit snacks!

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